[h3]Collaboration post between darkwolf687 and RomanAria[/h3] [color=00a651]Zakroti[/color], [color=662d91]Aymiria[/color], [color=a187be]Astaelin[/color]; NPCs Kzaar, [color=a2d39c]Vain[/color], [color=f7941d]Gaikus[/color]. [hr] Asta didn't know what it was that made her trust the man. Maybe it was his rather short height and slender build, even smaller than Master Unalim. But no, mostly it was his eyes. The intense green eyes and refined handsomeness of his features just screamed something about Gemminite, rather than Drakken, heritage. And of course, it WAS Miry's husband who requested her presence, and something about saving Gemminia too. She probably should have been suspicious, or at the least worried about what Edoric might do, but she would happily go see what this man and his warlord master wanted with her. She had her steak knives and knew how to use them; if they tried anything they could both be dead within seconds. So she followed him. Vain led her through the thick doors and up the winding stone stairwells of the Wroth and through its grandiose corridors which were, in the dying throes of the feast, alive with voices and the sound of music carrying from distant rooms. Finally, they reached a single metal door with a cracked skull engraved on it, which opened up into a small study. On the opposite side of the room to the door was the entrance onto the balcony, blocked by two large blackguard who moved to the side to give the pair access as Vain approached, leading Astaelin out into the cold and standing off to the side, motioning for her to approach Zakroti as Kzaar kept a watchful gaze on her. [color=00a651]"Ah, here she is at last."[/color] Zakroti declared with a thin smile spreading across his face as he pivoted away from Miry to face Astaelin [color=00a651]"No doubt you are wondering why I have called you out here?"[/color] He paused for a moment to let her respond, running his eyes up and down her slowly, inspecting every fibre of her being. Astaelin held perfectly still under Zakroti's scrutiny, light-lavender eyes hard and focused and maintaining eye contact. Part of her tipsiness had been an act; she wasn't *quite* as drunk as she'd led people to believe. Just enough to be less inhibited than usual and... fully willing to do something stupid. She dipped a slight curtsy to the Drakken lord, then resumed her full height. [color=a187be]"I must say, a summons like this is quite dangerous, for if my husband finds me missing we will have a grand problem; surely the stakes must be so high that the benefit outweighs the risk?"[/color] She had a good idea what this was about; she'd heard the declaration of war just as clearly as anyone. But had... Had MIRY, of all people, actually SPOKEN to her husband for long enough to explain things? Zakroti would not suppress a smirk at the curtsy, stepping toward her with a light shrug of his shoulders, as if entirely uncaring about the risk involved with this little rendezvous. In truth he admitted he was rather concerned about the possible risks involved as he would rather everything not collapse just short of a victory but even if it was uncovered it would not be the end, at least not immediately. [color=00a651]"The benefit to me is adequate but in truth it is the benefit to you which is great in value."[/color] He said with slight tilt of his head and, despite his innocuous body language, a dangerous fire in his eyes. He motioned to Miry as he continued. [color=00a651]"Miry has confirmed what I suspected of your resistance, even if it was somewhat greater than I first thought. She told me everything she knew and after weighing up the options I have decided it would be best for me to... Assist this resistance. There is an old proverb 'I do not fear a pack of wolves led by a sheep, but I would flee from a group of sheep led by a wolf.' Very applicable in this scenario I feel; This rebel rabble may well buckle in the first few minutes of battle; They need a leader who is strong enough to inspire loyalty and courage, and smart enough to command."[/color] He paused for a moment, folding his arms slowly and shifting his weight onto his right leg with an inquisitive look in his eyes as he tried to determine her worth [color=00a651]"That leader, I think, would be you. How unfortunate it is then that you are here at the Wroth and not in Gemminia... And how fortunate if you managed to 'escape.'"[/color] Asta could not escape her own excitement entirely. A dangerous gleam came into her eyes at the mention of "fortunate" escapes. But she retained her calm, if somewhat condescendingly respectful speech. [color=a187be]"My lord, I dare not lecture you on military proverb, for it would be as though a child taught her grandmother to churn butter, but nonetheless, a quote from a favorite tactician comes to mind: "He who is prudent, and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious." It is rather what you are trying to do, is it not, for one would not attempt to reassemble the command of the Gemminite rebellion unless it seemed their time to arise was... imminent. And certainly a lord such as yourself would not trouble yourself with the likes of me, nor my people, unless I was, or my people were, a key pawn in your game of political chess."[/color] [color=a187be]"I must say, however, that it would indeed be a... fortunate... turn of fate. But something tells me that I must ask: What would you desire, in return for dicing with fate on my behalf?"[/color] The girl's eyes gleamed with the challenge of this conversation, of convincing this man that she was in control enough to lead her own army. Perhaps she was laying on the respect a bit thick, but then, flattery never hurt anyone. Zakroti wasn't sure he entirely trusted her tone; She was playing a dangerous game with him in the hopes of ascertaining what? A reduced price, maybe? Or perhaps she simply wanted to appear superior to him. Not hard, for many did that without much effort. [color=00a651]"What I want from you is rather simple, actually. When the fight is done, I will demand two things from the Gemminite Nation, you will be a hero to them with one of the only worthwhile fighting forces the Gems will have, thus they will be entirely unable to stop you from giving me my prize. Whatever my price is, you will turn it over without question. A fair trade for stopping the complete destruction of your nation, I think."[/color] Zakroti replied with that same thin smile as his countenance, veiling any true emotion that he felt at this moment. He wasn't interested in engaging in any petty contest with her over this conversation (Though he knew full well that all conversations contained a struggle for power), merely in getting the confirmation that she would give him what he wanted. He shot a glance over to Miry for a moment, formulating a contingency in his head. Miry looked down, rather than meet Zakroti's eyes, and shifted nervously. She sent a tiny trickle of air to Asta's ears and whispered, [color=662d91]"You can trust him, I think. He's very reasonable, he wouldn't take more than he needed, and... He wouldn't help you if he didn't think you had a chance."[/color] Asta silently sighed, but kept her face blank. [color=a187be]"I am sure that whatever your conditions are will be reasonable. I'd rather know what these conditions were before I agreed to them, but it is as you say: Our people will, to the best of our ability, fulfill these conditions."[/color] She felt a thrill of guilt; why was she making a treaty, when she was not of noble blood? But she pushed her insecurities away, convincing herself that this was for the good of her people. Zakroti turned away from Miry when she looked down, running his eyes over Astaelin slowly and tilting his head slightly, unsure about her [color=00a651]"That is good. In that case all that remains is to get you back to your people. Vain will accompany you home, he is a good fighter and knows military strategy, he will serve as an advisor- And will make sure you do not double cross me."[/color] Zakroti said, approaching the wall and glancing down to the floor below as Vain stepped forwards [color=00a651]"There is a horse in the stable below. The guards will be- Dealt with."[/color] Zakroti spun and approached the ballista, taking a bolt from it and tossing it to Kzaar, who caught it with a grunt and raised his hand into the air, pulling it back and then thrusting it forwards, releasing it and sending the bolt streaking through the air and into snow in the distance. Zakroti gave a cruel smile as he watched the guards head off to investigate, knowing that they were not going to be returning this night... Astaelin froze. Zakroti's request was entirely reasonable; after all, she was an entirely unknown quantity. Nonetheless she was indignant that he was sending the Gemminite-looking man with her. But she forced it down. She sighed and forced a smile and a graceful incline of her head to Vain, though her eyes never left Zakroti. [color=a187be]"You are too kind, Lord Zakroti. I will not betray your trust."[/color] Zakroti chuckled lightly and shook his head slowly in response to her [color=00a651]"Flattery isn't going to work on me, Astaelin. We both know I am not kind and that you would betray my trust should it work out better for the Gems."[/color] Zakroti said, wondering what game she was playing here with her flattery. It surely couldn't have been any genuine gratitude from her, all he had heard about her precluded that possibility. Perhaps she was worried that if she offended him her sister might be harmed? He wondered how Astaelin felt about the pairing, a warlord who had sailed to power on a sea of blood and a young girl who, while intelligent and brave in some aspects, was all together timid and easily frightened into submission. In truth, he was surprised that Astaelin hadn't already demanded that Miry return to Gemminia with her. It would hardly have been unexpected had she demanded such and while it would have been awkward to try and work his way around that, she appeared to have saved him from that annoying line of conversation. He couldn't help but wonder why? Was there something important he didn't know about the two? Instantly, his paranoia set in; What if the pair were plotting to kill him, and Miry's timidity had been but an act all along? It would make sense, who would expect the poor stuttering little girl of being an assassin? He shook his head quickly as if to dispel the intruding thoughts, returning to the task at hand. [color=a2d39c]"We had best be quick about it, we don't want to be caught by Edoric."[/color] Vain urged, beckoning her forwards with his hand and taking several steps towards the doors [color=00a651]"Perhaps one day we'll meet under better terms."[/color] Zakroti commented, feigning a smug smile on his face as he leant back against the wall and folded his arms. Asta followed Vain closely, down the stairs and across the fields, to the stable. She wasn't sure what to think, her heart in turmoil over this sudden unforseen change in her fate. A tiny breath of wind brushed her cheek.[color=662d91][i] "My sister, I love you. I will see you again some day, and perhaps we will be happy."[/i][/color] Miry's voice, for once in her life not stuttering, only catching on the last syllable. And it was rather Astaelin who couldn't breathe, who couldn't think, as she realized she'd left Miry behind and would probably never see her again. For leaders almost never survive the aftermath. She angrily wiped her inexplicably swollen, wet eyes, and turned her attention to saddling the horse as quickly and efficiently as she could. Miry looked up at Zakroti and at the prone, semi-conscious Ama, trembling and wiping at her tear-filled eyes. She knew in her heart that she'd never see Asta again, although she refused to let go of the childish, frail hope she held. [color=662d91]"I k-know it's f-for the g-good of o-our p-people that you s-sent her b-back, a-and not m-me. I m-mean, sh-she's th-their l-leader, a-and I'm j-just the s-scientist. I c-can't f-fight. B-but... I f-feel like I n-need to h-help, s-somehow..."[/color] she looked up at Zakroti, her eyes still streaming but full of a steely determination. [color=662d91]"T-tell me h-how I can h-help you. I-I'll d-design war-machines, I'll b-build b-bombs and arm-mor and a-anything-g you need, j-just l-let me h-help A-Asta n-not get our p-people--n-no, who a-am I kidding-g... n-not g-get hers-self k-killed." [/color] Zakroti looked down over the edge of the tower as he watched Vain and Astaelin file out below, grunting lightly. The Blackguard paused and Zakroti imagined that he was looking up towards the tower and gave a weak nod, knowing full well that the warrior could not see his lord from this distance. Zakroti had raised the boy; Despite him being a Gem, Gemminia would be foreign land to him and its people alien. He couldn't help but wonder how the young warrior would get on in his time there. His musing were interrupted by Miry's voice and he turned his head slowly towards her with an amused smile [color=00a651]"Well, I hardly kept you here for fun, as much as I enjoy your company. My artisans will be displeased at being superseded but I care not. My force must be equipped to the best of it's ability for the coming war."[/color] He left out that said force could just as easily be used to slaughter Astaelin should the situation call for it, unfolding his arms and taking the cloth from his pocket, handing it to her [color=00a651]"I am going to allow you to keep it this time, you really do need it." [/color] There was some commotion from outside the door and it opened up, Gaikus heading over and speaking in a hushed voice to one of the Blackguard before turning and speaking to Zakroti. [color=f7941d]"Zakroti, Kilio jusla kor numad mishaxi; Hilyat Odadew"[/color] He said, causing Zakroti to nod slowly in response before turning his attention back towards Miry [color=00a651]"Thank you for your offer, I accept it. With your assistance I am quite certain we can win this... And when this is all over, I shall let you return home with Astaelin."[/color] Zakroti said; He wasn't entirely sure if it was a lie, it could well have been. Miry took the handkerchief and wiped at her eyes, flashing a teary smile at Zakroti. When he said she might be able to go home, she thought her stomach might drop out of her with fear and hope, but slowly shook her head no. [color=662d91] "S-sir... I'd r-rather st-tay here, I t-think. I'm sc-cared of... s-some of A-Asta's f-friends. They... w-weren't n-nice to me. I n-never t-told A-Asta, w-what they d-did, bec-cause she, she t-totally trust-ted them. Most of my l-life I've b-been sc-cared to d-death, o-of Asta, w-when she w-went into h-her blind r-rages, and, m-mostly, sc-cared of h-her f-friends, b-because they... d-didn't r-respect me." [/color]She sniffled and hid her face behind the handkerchief. [color=662d91]"I-if i w-went b-back there, I-d j-just be sc-cared a-all the t-time, ag-gain. I d-don't want to be sc-cared. S-so, e-even if the w-war-- e-even if w-we w-win... I'd r-rather st-tay h-here, w-with you."[/color] Zakroti tilted his head slightly, a look of concern spreading across his face. What in the name of the gods could have been bad enough that she would be willing to stay here of all places? It was hardly as though she was any safer here, indeed all things considered surely she was more likely to be brutalised and mistreated here than in Gemminia? [color=00a651]"You don't have to call me sir, Miry. You can call me whatever you like so long as it isn't insulting."[/color] Zakroti said, a sad smile on his face as he listened to her [color=00a651]"Did they ever harm you?"[/color] Miry folded her hands and looked down, not meeting Zakroti's gaze. She nodded almost imperceptibly in response to his question. [color=662d91]"S-some would s-say that they d-did, h-hurt m-me, t-that i-is. T-they p-probably t-thought they w-were d-doing m-me a f-favor."[/color] she flushed and would not meet his eyes, instead picking at the glittering stones on the bodice of her dress. [color=662d91]"I t-think I t-trust you, m-more t-than I trust-ted t-them... I m-mean, they w-were g-good k-kids, t-they j-just... l-let p-passion r-rule, r-rather than s-sensib-bility, w-when they w-were i-idle. T-they d-desired A-Asta... I m-mean, w-who wouldn't? T-tall, b-brave, c-charismatic, b-beautiful. B-but she w-wouldn't t-take any o-of them to h-her bed, b-because a r-relationsh-ship would b-be a l-liability, i-in war, a-and so... they s-settled for m-me. I d-didn’t w-want i-it, b-but they i-insisted." She covered her face with the handkerchief, ashamed of herself for admitting it.[/color] Zakroti inhaled slowly and nodded his head as he listened to her, exhaling again afterwards with a somewhat stunned look on his face, standing completely still for a few seconds in thought, dwelling on what she had said in his mind and unsure of what to say to her. What exactly could he say to that? He had hardly been expecting it after all. It was an unexpected line of conversation and not one he had prepared for and so by its very nature it made him uncomfortable; That was without even considering what the topic actually was. [color=00a651]"I'm sorry."[/color] He spoke at last in a cautious tone, rather unsure whether speaking was even wise at this point. He certainly didn't want to upset her by saying something callous which he admitted he rather had a habit of doing. [color=00a651]"If that is the case... then by all means, if you wish to remain… it will be nice to have you here.”[/color] Miry smiled rather shakily, and on impulse put her arms around Zakroti again. Her actions really weren't making sense, not even to herself. [color=662d91]"T-thank y-you... f-for u-underst-tanding, I m-mean, a-and for... f-for l-letting m-me stay."[/color] Zakroti paused for a moment in shock as she hugged him, before placing his own arms around her gently but also tentatively, for he couldn't help but feel someone was playing him for a fool here. He kept expecting to find a dagger slipped in between the blades of his spine whenever she hugged him; It would have been an easy way to move in and strike after all. Yet he didn't want to push her off him and force her to keep her distance, she had shown no indication that she would harm him and good relations with her would factor in towards some stages of his plan for certain. There was also a small part of him that didn't want to push her off him anyway. [color=00a651]"It's perfectly fine, though I doubt your sister will be too enthralled by the idea."[/color] He said in a joking tone to her as he looked down to her, tilting his head ever so slightly to the right. [color=662d91]"She p-probably w-won't mind. I'm j-just a h-hind-drance to her, i m-mean, I'm j-just small and w-weak and not st-trong enough t-to def-fend mys-self in c-combat. I'm a c-cow-ward. I'd f-fall to pieces o-on front l-lines. I can't d-do anything b-but slow h-her down." [/color]Miry spoke quietly, still hugging Zakroti gently. She felt... safe, in his arms. Safer than she'd felt for years. Zakroti wouldn't let anything happen to her. Zakroti shrugged his shoulders lightly in response [color=00a651]"True, but she does not trust me and rightly so. I'm half sure that she expects me to brutally murder you."[/color] Zakroti said with a chuckle, relaxing slightly as she spoke as if reassured by her words that he wasn't about to be murdered. Besides, why should he worry? He was surrounded by guardsmen, even if she did want to kill him she certainly wouldn't do it here. [color=00a651]"And you are certainly not a coward, having dared to ask a Drakken Warlord to let you send letters to rebels. Some would say you're one of the bravest gems here, I am certain that more than a few of them are too busy crying to even think about doing something proactive."[/color] Miry cracked a tiny shaky smile at Zakroti.[color=662d91] "Y-you're t-too kind, m-my lord. B-but r-really, I-I'm j-just doing w-what I'm s-supposed to." She giggled weakly. "Asta w-would flay m-me, if she t-thought I had a c-chance to a-ask and d-didn't."[/color] [color=00a651]"It is a good thing you asked then."[/color] Zakroti chuckled, feigning a look of shock in jest before shaking his head quickly. He opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut short. [color=f7941d]"Tak?"[/color] Gaikus interrupted, approaching Zakroti cautiously. Zakroti released his arms from around Miry and turned towards his Blackguard. [color=00a651]"Kor."[/color] Zakroti replied simply, and Gaikus nodded before continuing. [color=f7941d]"Doon kala kros, zu hilyat Mu'Jupostat yui odadew"[/color] Gaikus said, glancing back towards the Wroth for a moment with an evident look of concern on his face. [color=f7941d]"They're finishing up inside."[/color] [color=00a651]"Let us go, then."[/color] Zakroti replied, turning swiftly on his heel and motioning for the others to blackguard to follow him. Kzaar lifted Amaryllis off the floor again and lay her across his shoulders in a firemans carry. Zakroti turned back to Miry for a moment to offer her his arm with a soft smile on his face [color=00a651]"Will you walk with me?"[/color] Miry looked at the offered arm for a moment, trying to decide why Zak was willing to show such affection. Then she gave up on considering it, happy to be allowed to be close to him. She took his arm and smiled, albeit a little nervously, at him. [color=662d91]"I w-would l-love to. W-where are we g-going?"[/color] Zakroti returned her smile as she took his arm and led her from the roof and out of the cold before answering her. [color=00a651]"Mu'Jopostat; My largest holding. It used to belong to my father, I was born there when it was still Mu'Balmoras. I renamed it when I..."[/color] Zakroti stopped talking for a few moments as they descending a step of stairs, glancing towards her with a small degree of worry, unsure how she would react if he told her the truth of the matter [color=00a651]"When I took it from him."[/color] [color=662d91]"Y-you took it f-from your f-father...?"[/color] Miry asked, somewhat alarmed but then not at all surprised. After all, it was in his name. She'd heard guards whispering about "The Usurper" and it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was in fact Zakroti. [color=662d91]"I-I'd l-like it if y-you would t-tell me the st-tory, o-one day... H-how y-you, y-you know, c-came to p-power."[/color] But not now. It didn't matter now; all that mattered to Miry was that she was safe with him, and that Asta would be home by daybreak and reorganizing her army and ready to fight by the time the Drakken army was ready to attack. The details of who Zakroti was could wait, until after the war, maybe until after their children were born. But now, the thing that was important was making sure that Edoric did not discover Asta’s disappearance. And then it would be designing and building weapons and armor, and playacting as a scared little girl to fool the other Drakken lords, lest they suspect her to be more than just a pretty face and tiny body, lest they be concerned about Zakroti’s true motive for involvement in the war. She would help Zakroti spring his plans, help save her people. Help him rise to the throne of Drakka, if that’s what he desired. And maybe then he could tell her the stories of his childhood and his early life, before he became famous for his hunger for power. But that all could wait for another few hours. The slight girl looked at their linked arms and smiled. For now, she’d just enjoy the moment. [hider=summary] Asta escaped with help by Zakroti. Miry revealed backstory shenanigans. Touching sisterly bonding moment and bride/husband bonding moment/negotiations of "so what happens next?!" [/hider]