[CENTER][IMG]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/13/85985.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Steven Diggs (Steve, Fixer, Machine Head, he's earned a lot of names) [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Sexuality:[/B] Danica Patrick [B]Appearance:[/B] See above. He's an average height guy (around 5'9") with brown hair, dark eyes and pale skin. He's muscled to the point of being ripped, although it's usually hidden underneath a jacket or jumpsuit. He doesn't wear the makeup that some other punks do. In fact, if he didn't dress like a punk, he'd look perfectly normal. He often wears black or navy blue mechanic overalls covered with NASCAR badges, covered in some form of grease. His casual wear is generally what you see above which brings his appearance more in line with the rest of his crew. [B]Faction:[/B] Punks [B]Personality blurb:[/B] Steven Diggs is a bit of a dick. He disregards most opinions other than his own with a strange nonchalance, so secure is he in his knowledge that he's the best. He's more than happy to talk about himself in a tone resembling subtle bragging. He is almost always in control of himself and rarely gets angry, preferring to disregard people talking down to him since they obviously don't know what they're talking about. He relaxes this attitude a bit when around friends. He encourages his self-superior views among his brothers the Punks. He considers his own position a lofty ideal to which everyone should aspire, and hey, if he likes someone enough he may even help them with that. He's brilliant, so why shouldn't they be? Because of his belief in self-superiority, Steve looks down upon people who would place themselves above him. This would be the bullies, who physically attack him, the preps who's snobbiness is far worse than his own, the nerds who think they're so much smarter than him and the jocks who are dumb as a bag of rocks. And of course, he hates the Administration for representing control when he personally espouses freedom of expression. Because his skills are in high demand, Steve does occasionally assist people he doesn't like (including the Administration) but uses this to obtain leverage over them. Whether it's a trap in the device he just fixed or something like a favour down the line, Steve helps you because it helps him. He possesses definite bloodlust, enjoying fights and throwing himself into them with relish. Steve enjoys speed and tinkering a great deal, being from a NASCAR family. In fact, that's part of the reason he's never seen with a steady girlfriend. His standards are so high that his yardstick is Danica Patrick. [B]Biography blurb:[/B] Steve's mother is a NASCAR driver, his father one of the mechanics on her team. It may not have been true love at first sight but it came, eventually. He was born in Daytona, Florida a bit over eighteen years ago. He had the standard American education, but he spent much of his time trackside assisting his mother and father. It was there that his unique talent began to develop. After that came his early teens, and he was already developing into the slightly dickish guy we all know today. He didn't fit in in early high school. Those who shared his world-view shunned him as they were all far too rich. It wasn't long before he fixed up some forged documentation to get him sent to Sun Ridge Boarding Institution. His parents saw it as legitimate, and off he went. [B]Powers:[/B] [I]Fixer[/I] - Steve has the instinctive ability to identify things that need to be fixed, come up with a list of things he needs to do the fix, and then promptly do the work as though he'd been doing it for years, regardless of whether he knows what he's doing. This can range from things such as a broken down car, a crashed PC, a boxing match, or a broken heart. Sometimes his solution is not the best method, which can result in situations where he asks for two feathers, a wire and a bowl of noodles to fix something as simple as a calculator with a flat battery. This ability only works if Steve is aware a fix is required in the first place. [B]Abilities:[/B] [I]"Fixer"[/I] - Sometimes Steve lies about what he needs to fix something and then keeps what he requested for himself. This means he's quite good at procuring things kids his age should really not be getting their hands on. [I]Mechanic[/I] - Powers aside, Steve is a pretty dern good car mechanic. He's been working on the things for years, after all. [I]Driver[/I] - [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmqHs_6VSzQ]Having been raised by a NASCAR driver, Steve knows how to drive. He's almost as good as a professional racer, but their experience will beat his youth more often than not.[/URL] [I]Fit[/I] - Steve is a tank. He's muscled to the point of being ripped and yes, he has a six pack. Comes from working out regularly and doing physical work all day every day. For that reason, he can and has taken more than more than a few punches and remained standing. [I]Toolbox Fighter[/I] - Steve's knowledge of fighting with his toolbox and tools is quite robust. Screwdrivers become shivs, wrenches become clubs, etc etc. He's a decent brawler without it, but he has no real training. [B]Weapons:[/B] Dude's got a whole toolbox. Screwdrivers, shifters, wrenches, you name it. Of course, technically it's school property, but he's known to carry it around almost everywhere he goes and since he's a tech student it is expected of him. [B]Other:[/B] He's a Florida boy with a sense of smug superiority who loves NASCAR. He also doesn't smoke or take any substances unlike other punks, preferring to stick to alcohol.