Sayaka felt herself going backwards and felt her feet dragging into ground, she soon noticed that Rei was pulling her back into the room and into the dorms living room, Rei began to berate Sayaka and the mummy girl squatted down as she listened to the girl berate her and Sayaka could tell that she Rei still cared a lot about Saya."[color=0076a3] Wow, I...I can see that you really do care about your sister.[/color]" The burned girl said to Rei as she stood back up with a smile under her bandages. Then Sayaka put her hands onto her bandaged cheeks and a tinge of red blush appeared on her bandaged face."[color=0076a3] And I can see that you care so much about me too, you just tried to stop me from possibly dying in front of your sister.[/color]" Sayaka said to Rei." [color=0076a3]Even though your on the petite side, your still pretty cute and tight looking, but I do think you should drink more milk and eat some more protein to have those bad boys on your chest grow out and become a manslayer, but it's your body and your choice.[/color]" Sayaka told her before getting onto an armchair and sitting in a squatting position with her hands onto her knees. ----------------- Izumi saluted to the red eyed woman."[color=39b54a]Consider it done ma'am.[/color]" Izumi told Saya as she turned right around and sprinted out the same way she arrived into the security room, as she began leaving Izumi began wondering if Saya wanted to throw Izumi out of the security room and get rid of her, As Izumi got into the school hallways once again she passed by Rei, Addie, and Sayaka's room and left a mini vortex behind her as she sprinted past the room having the lockers break open and a trash can being thrown down and scattering trash along the floor.