-"Kapitän zur See, we have the latest progress reports from the scout planes... we have spotted what presumably is the coast of south Africa."The young officer reported to captain Kunz Hoehner, with exited exhales due to him running to the bridge to report. -"Excellent, is there anything of note in our way?" Hoehner asked not expecting any problems. -"Well sir...... i don't know how to say this....." The ensign continued, clearly lost his initial enthusiasm and now feeling at a loss, almost embarrassed. The sudden change in enthusiasm alarmed Kunz and he stared at the ensign intently before speaking, his gaze clearly discomforting to the man. -"Well speak out son, i won't know what the problem is unless you report it." He let out in an irritable command more than a request. -"Yes sir... the seaplane pilot reported taking a closer look over the mainland...." The ensign making a short pause, clearly expecting an outburst, but then carrying on. -"During his closer pass he spotted some flags.... they are not the flags of south Africa." With that Kunz Hoehner became rather puzzled. -"Not south Africa? Then is it the commonwealth alliance colours? Or the empire of Mexico?" Kunz was worried, if the commonwealth alliance had claimed the cape good hope the german hope of winning this war was severely undermined. He looked at the ensign and spat out. -"Well speak up!" -"Here's a picture of the flag sir, it's..... Orange white and blue with some stag or something...." The ensign spoke and showed a simple but accurate drawing of the flag. This was clearly not the right flag, but not any commonwealth alliance flag either. Then what was it? Perhaps there was a rebellion, and a new local government took over. But Kunz had never heard of any rebellious movements in south Africa before, so while it seemed weird it seemed the only logical choice. -"It must be some sort of rebellion flag, took over the local government or something.... since its not the correct flag nor any of the surrounding countries flags. Our current course of action is still in effect, maintain radio silence.... and prepare for a show of force, we aim to blockade Cape town!" Kunz Hoehner spoke, and with salutes and acknowledgements the crew scurried into action. To show force, you had to show pride, and as such all the colours were raised. http://www.warstore.co.uk/ekmps/shops/marlina/images/german-imperial-with-crest-wwi-5-x-3-flag-2108-p.jpg The imperial banner waving calmly in the light wind as it adorned the aft of Bismarck, along with the two banners along the sides of the superstructure. As the two schnellboots were lowered into action, they as well held the banner of the reich on their vessels afts as they skimmed along the surface of the sea. The main guns of the battleship were readied and held aloft in a thirty degree angle as testament to their contained fury. At just a moment the captain of the vessel could have them trained on a target, and that is what this was to convey to any onlookers. The seaplanes were launched and held long banners with the red white and black of the empire along their cloth surfaces. Forming a wall, with the battleship at the centre, flanked by the schnellboots with the aircraft roughly above them, the sight was magnificent indeed. Kunz believed this should catch the attention of the locals. _______________________________ Meanwhile the republic of South Africa was getting the news of the sighting at sea to the correct authorities, this event was huge! [hider=Nerevarine]The initial sighting lacked proper markings to recognize, since it was only a single seaplane. But seaplanes have a vessel carrying them and as such a vessel must be close, perhaps even several vessels! The seaplane was obviously german in design.[/hider]