[center][h2]Sun Ridge Boarding Institution, 12:00 PM.[/h2][/center] [center][h3]Official Start of Winter Break.[/h3][/center] [b]Outside the South Entrance[/b] The Winter season had arrived once more to the Sun Ridge Boarding Institution. Of course, looking at the surroundings it certainly didn't feel like a typical winter. The weather was warm, and there was not a single cloud in the sky. The golden rays of the glorious sunshine glimmered through the bright blue sky. Some nearby sand that stood against the glistening white stone pathway of the South Entrance held a few lizards that were slowly retreating to the shadows, out of sight from the eyes of the larger creatures that would surely wish to devour them. As it was Winter Break, the Cliques would not need to waste their time on tedious classwork. Their valuable time could now be devoted to what truly mattered; after all during the breaks was when the War always truly sparked up. And more importantly, this would serve as a period of time when they could engage in more [i]Power Plays[/i] and bring great fortune to their respective cliques. A breeze went by and whipped some sand across, alongside a stray tumbleweed. Some would say that this particular event in the scenery of the school would represent the lull before the great shoot-outs to come, while others -particularily the Nerds-, would claim that it was simply put a meteorological effect that occurred due to the rules of nature. However, what mattered about this particular scene was the fact that it meant their was a wind providing a decent breeze. Of course, old and new blood would be fueling the rising Clique War. Yes, some new blood would arrive this day. The Sun Ridge Boarding Institution engaged in a predictable practice; during the first Winter and Summer breaks, they would bring new students by bus to get them settled and used to the surroundings. No one was sure why they did this, though many have said it was due to being paid extra for moving them to the 'Neutral Dorms'. However as [i]countless[/i] janitors and Prefects will admit to, the Neutral Dorms get, well simply put in a euphemism, [i]messy.[/i] And thus, the students quickly search for a Clique to join, or are drafted into a Clique and taken to a relative safety there. Of course, some stay in those 'Neutral Dorms' but as mentioned before, they do get [i]messy[/i]. And there was another strange practice that Administration engaged in during this period of time. Many teachers and staff decided to leave and take their vacation during this time-frame. After all, they didn't particularly care or want to be around the students at their rowdiest. This of course was no skin off the Cliques bones, and they did appreciate the lowered guard from the Administration. Approaching the South Gateway, a rather thick section of iron with the school's motto gleaming above its archway, was the school bus. It was hovering ever so slightly above the ground with a red glow underneath. Notably it was a triple deckered bus, which helped for transporting the [i]larger[/i] of the fresh batch of students. The driver of the bus, was a slightly amusing individual, if only for the fact that he was a transluscent ghost that was managing to physically drive the bus. As the bus got close towards the gate, the driver slowly parked it in front of the gate which began creaking open. Waiting for the fresher students was one of the Prefects, the students who betrayed the way of the Clique for the sweet devil's bargain of the Administration. The current Prefect stood in the middle of the white stone path that was attached to the gate. behind him, in the close but distant distance was the Administration Building. The Prefect stood at about 5'6", and wore a light blue suit. The most notable feature about him was the fact that he had large cream color ram-horns that were on the sides of his head, and that his head had rather large wooly puffs of black fur that functioned as essentially hair. The boy idly stared annoyed that he was assigned to have to give the spiel to the new meat. He pulled out a single biscuit stick that he kept in his coat-pocket and munched on it. But of course, while mundane, it was an easy job rather than having to deal with those actually experienced with the institution. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]The Cafeteria[/b] As for many of the students who've been here, many were out and about for planning. Though, due to the time of day many of the various students were in the cafeteria. Illuminated by the fluorescent lighting, here was one of the few neutral zones, that weren't immediately turned into a vicious Hellscape where few could manage to survive. This was due to the Prefects who were stationed here, and the fact the Administration held an actual interest in keeping this area safe. No one knew for sure why they preferred to keep the cafeteria safe, when they actively allowed the 'neutral dormitories' to be a horrific war-zone. Some say it was due to a mighty treasure that the Administration kept secret. Others say that held a tactical position to the Administration, in regards to the building it was hosted in. Others say that it was due to the constant and ever present 'Cafeteria Skirmishes'. Even with the Prefects guarding it, the Cafeteria did find itself the host of very dangerous battles. Many still speak in awe and hushed whispers over the 'Foodfight of Two Fridays Ago'. And even still, others had no idea why nor did they care for an explanation. Off to the upper right corner was the territory claimed by the Preppies. It had the best spot for air conditioning and was rather close to the cafeteria line. Which of course didn't matter to them, as they always had a few artisan chefs on hand to prepare them meals. Of course the little people could not see them as their section was cut off by an installed Egyptian cotton curtain. Outside the curtain was a select staff of butlers just eying the miscreants, to make sure only those worthy would try getting in. In the upper left corner was the territory claimed by the Entertainers. From this section came much laughter and merriment, as they were practicing out their materials. An Orcish member was busy sticking a spoon on her nose and a fork in her ear. Another was busy practicing juggling with a salt and pepper shaker, and an empty bowl. The festivities continued, as a Prefect eyed down upon them with his red compound eyes. The lower left corner was being occupied by the Punks. Many of whom had their feet kicked up on the table and were just glaring at random things. One of the punks at the table was busy with some hair gel to maintain appearances. Others were continuing to mark the tables with the cafeteria knives and sharpies. After all they needed to continue to tag their territory. The lower right corner was being occupied by the Nerds. Across the cafeteria benches was a collection of books set up to cover sheets. Around these sections the sound of dice clanking against the table was heard. While other nerds were busy reading various comicbooks. While others were scrawling notes on various papers. In the middle were the Bullies and the Jocks. The Jocks were on the right side, while the Bullies were on the left. Both sides were keeping a close eye on the other. After all, they couldn't let their guard down, not even in the neutral sanctity of the Cafeteria. On the side of the Bullies, a behemoth of a troll covered in moss was watching over the Jocks. The Jocks meanwhile had a minotaur dressed in a white track-suit watching over the Bullies. The day was still young, and was going to be teeming with adventure and excitement. Who knew what events were going to unfold this day?