The dragonoid stumbling backwards also caused Niks to fell forward. He recovered to her coughing and a billow of smoke covering his sight. He would've grinned were his suit's face allow it to, as it were, it only showed as a twitch. He waved his arms to clear the smoke from his face, only for them to reveal the girl lunging towards him with a punch. The punch connected to the unprepared Lich, throwing him backwards into his lingering Hex as it dissipated. Niks sat up with a grunt and glared at the humanoid, the punch had split open whatever remain of the nose. With a hand, he reached for the broken nasal flesh and ripped it off from his face. With the other, he prepared another coughing miasma, if he figured it correctly, if this one hit the humanoid, she would be too busy coughing to jump around.