[@Heat] Have some friendly/unsolicited/potentially unwanted constructive criticism! Just felt like "Cold-Eyes" was the sort of nickname that wouldn't get floated around allot (Most people would think Vermill was 'one of those guys', the ones that make up their own nicknames and try to pass it off as "They call me starlord") Pretty much anything cool, sexy or dangerous gets saved for individuals that may or may not exist in special ops units (I heard there's this guy...) or for particularly dangerous enemies (There's been allot of talk about Badguytoughname lately...) It's safe to say that you're gonna get saddled with a different impromptu one by your squaddies during the RP (I for one will keep throwing them at the wall till one sticks.) Since it doesn't seem to capture that irreverent, somewhat mocking but generally endearing quality that makes a lasting impression. [@Austronaut] - It would probably be better if the two characters butted heads over who was the better/more deserving designated markswoman at the start.