[center][h2]Noboru Yamamoto-Hospital Parking Lot-4/5/2015[/h2][/center] [color=SkyBlue]"But do you know if Nettu Chiaki-san is in this hospital? I was tasked to deliver her today's homework."[/color] Noboru was not expecting that one. It was quite a way to rub salt into the gaping hole of a wound, and Noboru visibly flinched. Of course, it wasn't this student's fault for asking, he had no way of knowing. Noboru rubbed his neck, as if it was sore. [color=navy]"Yeah, yeah. Her room is in that hospital. A bit ways down the hall. Shouldn't be too hard to catch. Good luck."[/color] Noboru started off towards to his house, but realized he was missing one thing. He turned around and looked back at the mysterious stranger, still holding his towel. Noboru raised his hand to ask for it back but then flung it down. [color=navy]"Ehhhh. You know what? Keep it. You seem to be spilling water on people without them expecting it. Might help if you can help dry them off."[/color] The wind whipped through the parking lot, and Noboru shivered slightly, his wet undershirt betraying him.