A young woman with a mask that covered most of her face dashed down the middle of the road, avoiding being hit by a horse and a cart or two, before ducking into a dead end alley, hiding from the soldiers that had been on her trail. She grinned as she lifted the heavy purse from beneath her long jacket and inspected the contents. The family jewels of a pompous nobleman sparkled dimly in the weak light that the alley afforded her. She peeked out from her hiding pace, senses straining for any sign of the soldiers. Nothing. [color=ed145b]"Filthy bilgerats,"[/color] she whispered breathlessly. [color=ed145b]"Can no' even tell when they've been played for fools. Especially if they've been played by the fairer sex."[/color] She chuckled to herself as she took off her mask and placed it in the bag with the jewels, took her hair down and fluffed it out, pinching her cheeks and chewing on her lips to make it look like she was just another young lass going out for a night on the town. If you could really call it that. She cautiously walked out, then settled into a stride that spoke of confidence, and she let the saber hanging from her belt show-a warning to anyone who might think to try and handle her roughly. Alice Stonewall made her way to the Bent Dagger weapon smith, and left half of the jewels for the head blacksmith. The rest she was saving so she could buy a dog. She'd prefer that it be a pup instead of a full grown, but she would take whatever she could find. She hummed to herself as she then placed her mask upon her face once more-she didn't want to risk being recognized-and made her way to the Inn at the Edge of the World for a drink. After a full day of delivering the commission slips to the weapon smith and stealing small trifles from nobles and well of people, she was ready to relax. She was nearly to the door when a man and a woman stepped neatly in front of her, irking her. [color=ed145b]"Step aside, lad,"[/color] she said irritably, pushing past. [color=ed145b]"Ye're blocking the doorway."[/color] Her black and bronze mask flashed in the light, framing her brown eyes, highlighting the gold flecks.