[hr][h1][i][color=orangered]Maxine Mariah Carter[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@cider][/sub][hr] A flaming cigarette was being spun in between her fingers as she casually strolled down the street. Normally, Maxine stayed away from the Las Palmas strip whenever possible. One; because it was ran by those creepy-ass White Spiders (And Maxine refused to touch that with a twelve foot stick), and every wannabe crook (Mostly Red Crowns) comes out at night to prey on everyone who doesn't watch their ass. A pretty tough environment if you asked her - all of Verthaven was, really. It really just came down to the fact that it didn't have much for Maxine. The raves in the Strip were shit if you asked her. Eh, it ain't about the clubs and raves here - at least not today. Today was business, the day she was going to make a move on the Fiends. She needed to get a crew together... and, unfortunately, she didn't know a damn person that was reliable other than... [i]him[/i]. Him being James Milliner. Regrettably, one of her step father's old Iron Cross buds that she kept in contact with every time she hit up his club. She knew he was a thief, her Step-daddy talked about practically every [i]damn[/i] time he brought up James. Maxine didn't like the dude personally, but hey, if he has talents, she thought he could be useful. If James will help her, then that's another person that'll help her pull one on the Fiends. Last night she remembered James after bailing out of the party (Maxine left the second they started going on about stolen jewelry, she wasn't going to push her luck), and has been talking to him since. They agreed to meet in the Strip, they were going to meet in one of the many shitty cafes this city has a hard on for called "The Maple Café". Eh, if James wanted to meet there - even though nothing else is open at this hour - then that's fine. Maxine parked her truck far away from here, and walked the rest of the way. Maxine herself stepped inside the The Maple Café, and immediately got a "No smoking indoors" from an employee, before opening the door and flicking the cigarette right out.[i] Fucking no smoking rules are gay as hell.[/i] One look told Maxine of James position, and she homed in on him like a rocket, quickly sliding her way into the seat across from him with a smile on her face. "... [i]Heeeeeeeeeey sweetheart.[/i]" She said, leaning back in the chair a bit. Maxine offhandedly whistled for a few seconds as she looked up at the ceiling. "How have you been doing, James? Your "nightjob" going well? Hehe...." She asked, near sarcastically, "... Or would you rather I cut the bullshit and get to the point? You know all the shit going down with the Fiends, and the little rumour swimming around about them having a "special serum"?"