[h2]Raya T'mivus[/h2] Torin Hellsong, sister bride to Kasari Liesma. What in the name of the gods did she just agree to? Had she just offered herself to the Drakken? Even though he was now her husband, it still felt odd. She had never been in a relationship with a male before much less a physical one. She was a wild Gem, the trees and animals were her companions. Her family had tried to tame her and teach her of the world, but she would run into the forests and not be seen for days. How she was acting so civilized at the moment was nothing short of a miracle. Her parents would be proud. She was still as Torin touched her face, she didn't pull away simply waited for him to stop. She knew that he was doing it more out of necessity than affection, though his hand lingering on her neck was something different. She could feel how his fingers lightly squeezed, she knew he could kill her easily and he would be in the right to do so. But she remained silent and calm, as she knew that she had already peeked his interest with her offer and the kiss she gave earlier. Just then he praised her and a part of her liked it, while the other part wished to show him that she wasn't always humble and modest. But she wasn't exactly in her element, if she was she would be different. She was pulled from her thoughts when Torin's hand went down the back of her dress between her shoulder blades. She barely heard what he said, when heat and pain bloomed where his hand was. She gasped and fell forward slightly so that she was leaning on his knee. The heat quickly disappeared but the nerves in her back were still firing, which were in pain still. Panting she moved out of Torin's way as he stood, she was still in some pain but she would endure it. Raya wasn't paying much attention to Torin or Kasari as she slowly got to her feet and straightening herself. She would not look weak even though she was still in some pain. Before she could fully register what was happening Torin lead her to his bed chamber. She cast a weary look over her shoulder at Kasari before he shut the door. The room was colder than the other and was decorated in furs, it was rather rustic in feeling. She simply stood in the middle of the room and watched as her husband took off his shirt and boots before going over to the wash basin and removing his mask. He looked strong and his skin looked like it was hugging the muscles beneath. It was rather attractive, other than the horns which told her of the reality she was in. When he turned he stood there as if giving her a moment to look at his face. She didn't know how to react, it was disturbing but she had seen animals in the forests with similar injuries so it wasn't too horrible to look at. When he grabbed her hands she felt a little disappointed as she wished to run her hands across his scars. But again she was shocked into reality when Torin reached around and undid the ties of her dress, he was quite skilled as her dress dropped in a heap at her feet in a matter of seconds. [b]"Are you more comfortable undressing in front of a man who cannot see you?"[/b] [color=green]"No, in truth it's more nerve-racking."[/color] She said in a cool but sweet tone. Why she felt more nervous about undressing infront of him was because a seeing male could easily make a decision if he thought her beautiful without touching her. While Torin would have to touch in order to make the same conclusion, he would know her more intimately than most and that scared her. When he bit her, she hissed and arched her back slightly. But again she didn't pull away simply endured. Once he was kissing her neck again, his hands began to wonder. She took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him and semi-lightly dig her nails into his back and bite his shoulder. It was her way of letting him know that she more than a meek and humble bride. She had a wild side. [hider=Summary] - Raya had a small panic attack - She then goes with the flow - A Wild night ensues [/hider]