Einar could tell that they were in trouble. The first couple of monsters went down without a problem, but as one was killed two more replaced it. Einar felt useless, his saviours were stabbing and hacking these things left and right, and there he was standing with a glorified stick. He had to think of a way to get out, but no matter where he turned and looked, one of those beasts would be standing in the way of an exit. ' Shit, shit, where to go , where to go!?' Einar's mind was racing all over the place. That's when Einar noticed one of the creatures starting to make its move. It was moving right towards the pizza throwing girl. There was no time to warn her. The Monster dashed towards her blind side, leaping into the air, its jaw wide open readying itself for the killing strike. That's when Einar made his move. Einar had no control over his body, he felt like it had just moved on its own. Einar held the broken broom with both hands and charged in. The monster was only a couple of inches away from the girl before the end of the broom stick penetrated through the monsters belly. The charging Einar felt the end of the broom stick penetrate through flesh, but he kept pushing until he rammed the creature straight into a brick wall. The monster gave a horrified yelp before it skins started to turn into black ash. Before Einar could catch his breath, another monster charged straight towards him, with its jaws wide open. Einar placed his hands in front of him catching the creatures jaws. He was in a fight for his life, he knew the moment he relaxed those jaws would shut and take his hands. Then another thought had occurred to him , if these things were following him, did that mean they could have been chasing his mother as well? The thought of those things attacking his mother, and him not being able to do anything sparked something inside of Einar. An anger. A rage. His vision started to blur, the colour around him began to change into crimson red. His body began to shake. His grip tightened on the creatures jaw. He gave out an angry yell before ripping the jaws off the creatures face.