[b]Name:[/b] Nikolai Jackson [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b2/6d/7b/b26d7b7f380a5e6c7ad66c1eea634055.jpg[/img] Roughly 5 foot 7, with features similar to the picture. Quite thin, with long fingers (and hipster glasses). His facial expression doesn’t deviate much from the picture. [/hider] [b]Faction:[/b] Is associated with the Nerds by both the Nerds and not the nerds. Explained in bio. [b]Personality blurb:[/b] Nikolai comes off as relatively emotionless, and that’s true to an extent. Due to his icy exterior and cold demeanour, however, he can also come off as surprisingly petty, because he actually gets annoyed quite easily. He doesn’t mind normal people, but he dislikes noisy people, arrogant people and pretty much everyone else. Nikolai’s not very vocal, however, and he tends to either have no emotions or hide them, but since he basically only has two expressions (neutral and stern frown), it’s not very difficult for him. He enjoys doing what he wants to do, and is relatively carefree despite his apparently grouchy personality. He enjoys reading. [b]Biography blurb:[/b] Nikolai was an orphan. Didn’t know who his parents were, but it didn’t matter to him. All he needed to know was that society expected him to live for no good reason, and he liked reading so it’s not like it mattered. His early life was relatively uneventful, but it allowed him to find ways of twisting situations to advantage him, even slightly. Eventually, he was adopted, and he was pretty sure his adoptive parents regretted it. He used his powers very few times during his childhood, but his adoptive family started fearing him, which Nikolai found relatively odd. He never used it on them, after all. Eventually, because he was pretty sure his adoptive family would be calmer without him around, he went to Sun Ridge boarding academy, but the story doesn’t end there. Upon arriving, he slowly gravitated towards the nerd clique, mainly because they’re the only ones quiet enough for his liking and partially because they lived in a huge library. In all honesty, it was possible for him to have gravitated to the preppies if they weren’t so insufferable (and if his social standing was higher), because he didn’t much like the nerds either. Yes, they were relatively quiet, but some of them were just as obnoxious as everyone else. Through use of his power, they eventually learned to leave him alone. Nikolai soon found himself with no friends, which really suited him just fine, though he had few people he could actually stand in the school either. Despite that, Nerds have identified him as one of their own (much to his chagrin) and other cliques have as well, so he does jobs if he can be bothered. He tends to take all kinds of jobs though, but he tends to do less from people who annoy him personally. [b]Powers:[/b] To put it in two words, ice powers. Nikolai’s personality made manifest, practically. He can make ice project from his body, and it can creep on pretty much any solid surface. Time is needed, of course, and hot temperatures can make the spread take longer and last shorter. Nikolai can create ice structures from anywhere with ice on it, even if it isn’t his. He’s also aware of where his ice is, and has a certain amount of control over the structures. The bigger and more complex the structure, however, the more time it’ll take to make it. Spikes and stuff are easy, though, and practise can speed up the process. [b]Abilities:[/b] Really smart and learns quickly. Can run pretty quickly with hands in his pockets. Able to keep his cool in most situations. [b]Weapons:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] Slightly short sighted, so hipster glasses actually do something. Mainly for reading purposes.