Sonya muttered obscenities under her breath as she trudged through the sand to their transportation to Nurenhaven. This day was awful, absolutely awful, as usual ignored and then given a small moment of false hope that there was someone who wasn't an ass- only for that to be dashed, and quite profoundly too. [i]The hell was he doing with my clothing? Perverted bastard. I might just have to go back and smack him upside the head.[/i] For a brief moment she actually considered doing so as well, it'd be quite satisfying. But she sighed, and soldiered on, eyes open for the sand skitter that awaited her to take her to the magical city of deep frozen fish. Of course, whether or not she'd make it out alive was as usual, a question that haunted her mind. She probably had more experience in the cities of the old world than the rest of the part combined, if only because she'd grown up in them and then spent a hundred and forty years give or take a few scavenging in them for survival. She'd become quite adept at finding the safe places and avoiding the dangerous ones, seeking out the old factories and warehouses and avoiding the death traps that previously benign parts of the cities became. She neared the sand skitter, raising an eyebrow as she realized none of the rest of her party had arrived in it. She clambered into the vehicle, noting with pleasure the stash of ammunition -thankfully more than enough to stay alive, no thanks to the orc though, she'd take what she damn well pleased, and help those dwarves with old world schematics and a nearly complete model when she returned- as well as crates and other means of transporting various thing. All in all the skitter seemed well prepared for the journey, the only thing it was missing was a crew. [i]Where are they...? They should be here by now, I beat them to it and I had to take a detour and everything.[/i]