[center][H3][Url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m75r54BwahQ]Warakuma Hospital - Chiaki's Room[/URL][/H3][/center] Rui entered the room, his presence didn't really leave a dent in the awkward atmosphere. He started with a not so tasteful joke, obviously referring to her and Noboru. She could only assume he had entered to explain the situation, after that weird dream about the blue room she had, she started to put two and two together. "[color=662d91]Haha, very funny. I suppose that means you're here to enlist me in your crew to fight other monsters and the like right? I suppose you're here to tell me about what's going on before I can agree to joining.[/color]" Chiaki waited patiently while Rui went over the details. It was quiet so it made it easy for her to concentrate. On occasion, a cold breeze would flow through her open window.