At the arrival of Archibald's crew, there would be some startled reactions among the gathered units. Kalte would grab his sword, just in case, but it would prove not to be necessary. Griswal would straighten his back a bit extra in preparation to move. Aldo would stand unflinching, staring. Aldo shifted his eyes a bit between Alvin saying he knew his way around and Archibald about to leave, considering the options. "I'd say we'd still have use of them." But he would shrug and determine the matter unimportant should the prince decide otherwise. Lexa was told to give the message to Natalia, and she nodded attentively, her little face marked with seriousness, as she accepted the ring. She blinked a little in surprise at that she wasn't allowed to find them again after, so the Pegasus Knight looked over them with a bit of worry. "... I will deliver the message. Take care of yourselves, dear princes, you owe Natalia that." And then she'd turn around and prepare Nightmare to fly, unless someone stopped her with something else to say to her before she takes off. "Prince Alvin..." Griswal would say, looking at him with a serious expression after the prince had said they'd be free to leave at any time. "Should you let me, I will stand by your side and protect you to the last. And you know that." He said in a gruff tone, stone-hard visage maintained. "And so will I." Said Kalte, the young man putting a hand on his chest to show his resolve. "Before enlisting, I was raised by a merchant of Carcino. Though my knowledge could be outdated, I know a few routes or contacts that may potentially be useful to us, should we want to make use of them." He informed. Ret would in some way in his own speech say that he would assist in the defense of the Sacred Stone. "I can hardly see that there'd be a more useful use of our lives than in the defending you, right now, sir." Aldo would note with a hint of disapproval in his voice about how Alvin even gave them the option to just leave. He looked back and forth between Marwood and Alvin, and then put in his own little input. "If we move through Renais and Jehanna attacks Renais, we could have our backs free as we escape." His words did not reveal how his gut was wrenching at suggesting that. "There are more Jehannan Guilds in Grado than in Renais, more of those we have to move past in the western route. ... Though Sion probably expects us to flee directly to Renais, our closest ally." He shifted his eyes at Lexa, who was about to leave. "If we give a location to Natalia or anyone else who wants to protect us, we could get support part-way." Aldo would be silent for a couple of moments, staring between the royals. "And Marwood took down the most foes in the previous battle." Aldo randomly informed, his mind having kept track for some reason in the previous battle. [hider=Present Units][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Marwood[/url] – A Renais prince with a good heart and a rebellious streak. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Arathyra[/url] – A sweet young healer from Grado [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] (Though more cheerful than the image claims~) [url=]Alvin[/url] – Prince of Grado. Gregarious and diplomatic, though a fine warrior in his own right. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Lexa[/url] – A jaunty young pegasus knight from Frelia. Often has her head in the clouds. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Aldo[/url] – A shaman researcher and advisor on things magic in service of Grado. Magically gifted and incurably serious. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Dark: D [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Flux, Vulnerary, Guiding Ring. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Kalte[/url] – A strong-willed Swordsman who likes to travel. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Griswal[/url] – A proud knight of Grado heritage. Stoic, but empowered. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Archibald[/url] – A friendly poacher who wanders around Grado with his merry band of bandits. Has a hidden dark side. [url=][img][/img][/url] +1 level Aiph - Thief with thin, wiry frame assisting Archibald. (As far as I know.) [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Iron Sword, I'd assume, possibly something more, I haven't given it any thought. Darius - Right hand-man of Archibald with a gruff voice. (As far as I know.) [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Axes: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Iron Axe, I'd assume, possibly something more, I haven't given it any thought. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Ret[/url] – A Mage from the rural mountains of Caer Pelyn, uncivillized yet seemingly the honorable sort. [url=][img][/img][/url][/hider]