[center][h3]Warakuma Hospital 4/5/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] Rui spoke with Chiaki about some of the details, but not all of them. The hospital was no place for this after all, but he gave her the gist of it, people have been taken into the Mirror World against their will like she was, and help would be much appreciated, basically. What everything was, those details would come later. In any case, [color=slategray]"And here is my number, in case something goes wrong, or they come for you again somehow..."[/color], he felt like mentioning she could also call Noboru, but felt it out of line at the moment. He left her with a scrap of paper with his number on them... At this rate he should get some business cards... [color=slategray]"Anyways... I'll see you at school, I hope"[/color], and with that he left Chiaki to her own devices.