[b]Name:[/b] Artemis Turner [b]Species:[/b] Cat-humanoid [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] He looks like a cat-human hybrid, standing at 5' 10" (1.78m) and weighing 158lb (72kg) without his equipment. He has grey fur with black streaks, covering his quite toned body. He usually wears comfortable clothes that are easy to move in, though when he's out at night, he'll wear cargo pants and a large green hoodie, covering up the belt of spray cans he carries around with him. [b]Faction:[/b] Entertainers [b]Personality:[/b] Artemis is a creative, but impulsive and headstrong artist, and will often do graffiti either for attention or just for the hell of it. He feels he is helping the school by adding color and variety to the walls. Really, though, outside his clique, he's seen as a pest. [b]Biography:[/b] Artemis grew up in a low-income family, and was constantly moving from home to home for his parents to find work. On one particularly lengthy stay, the local gang introduced a young Artemis to parkour and tagging. The freeing sensation of running along rooftops, vaulting gates, creating stunning, frantic art on the side of a wall, and escaping before the cops arrived, stuck with the young cat's mind, and even after years of his family moving around, he continued training his body and practicing his art. Eventually, his family were able to settle in Cinders Landing, and through certain low-income student plans, Artemis was able to attend the Sun Ridge Boarding Institution. He stayed with the Punks initially, attracted to their free spirit, but was eventually annoyed by the constant hatred of authority, since authority figures are the reason why Artemis was able to attend Sun Ridge in the first place. After a short period of being factionless, his bright graffiti caught the attention of the Entertainers, who invited him into their clique. [b]Powers:[/b] Nothing abnormal for a cat [b]Abilities:[/b] Artemis has excellent night vision and somewhat above average smelling. He has had years of experience in parkour, and so can run very fast, both sprinting and for prolonged periods of time. [b]Weapons:[/b] 5 spray cans that come in Vermilion Red, Cobalt Blue, Process Yellow, Titanium White and Mars Black. (Other colors are available) [b]Other:[/b] He likes to scope out potential tagging spots in the day, then sneak out at night to attack. Also, he keeps a journal of tag designs in his room. [b]Parents:[/b] His parents live in the zone of Zephyr LLC. His father is a factory worker while his mother cooks for a small restaurant. They encourage Artemis to study hard in school so he can get out of the poverty cycle, unaware of all the [i](cough)[/i] 'distractions' rampant in Sun Ridge. Artemis visits fairly often during school breaks, but as his parents still have to work in the day, he keeps Sun Ridge as a home base.