[center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/a7e48ea8bb4b2c7216e80131ac873b5c/tutuxiu/fhdn2tg9c/tumblr_static_azure._fire.emblem_.full.1325101.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Ryoichi%20Aseryo%20&name=BillionStars_PersonalUse.ttf&size=75&style_color=A1A1A3[/img] [i]"A person without kindness is without power."[/i] OC: Inigo, [i]Fire Emblem: Awakening[/i] [/center] Username: RainDash Name: Ryoichi Aseryo Age: 26 Gender: Male Class: Lord Rank: Lord House: Aseryo Weapons: Broadsword Appearance: [center] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/f445/f/2013/219/8/9/femalecharacter_x_inigo_happy_birthday_by_solarkittygirl-d6h5abb.png[/img] [/center] Personality: Patient and kind, Ryoichi is the type of person who most people immediately find charming and sweet. Ryoichi has always believed that peace will prosper and that effort can allow it to happen. Ryoichi can be very persuasive and even sometimes intimidating. He is very good at manipulating people into doing what he wants, but tries to do it as little as possible to keep people from realizing the truth of what he has done. He works hard to keep a gentle ruler image, and it shows. The downside is that when he gets mad, he gets [i]mad[/i]. Ryoichi doesn't stand for lawlessness and lack of regard for life. He can be brutal to those that he deems evil and conniving to get them out of power. Ryoichi, when he has a grudge, will always double check his facts and actions, to ensure that this is the right course of action politically. However, when he cannot be sure of his choice he is insecure and frightened, and obsesses to prove that it had to be done. Short Biography: Ryoichi was always going to be the runner up child. His brother, born shortly before him, the twins were decided upon one factor. Their hair color. Ryoichi had been gifted with a platinum white hair color, while his brother Ryouichi was born with black hair. The foreign hair color of Ryoichi caused him to be publicly announced as dead while his brother was named heir. The twins, except for their hair color, were identical and sometimes couldn't be told apart when Ryoichi was older. Tt was decided then and there that Ryoichi was to be the body double for Ryouichi, and so the two brothers, inseparable when in the castle, grew up together on courses on etiquette and everything you would need to learn to be a Lord. Thus Ryoichi would have a slight difference in his name's spelling so he wouldn't give away the ill omen that he was. The secret of House Aseryo was kept secret through any means necessary. Including disallowing Ryoichi to ever have a window open in his room or whatever room he was in, dying his hair black, and keeping him on the grounds inside the castle. This led to a somewhat lonely childhood, but it was alleviated by the fact that he and Ryouichi we close. The two brothers were inseparable troublemakers, but despite the many reasons that the ten year old Ryoichi might have had a reason to be upset with his parents, he never acted out without Ryouichi by his side. That all changed when Ryouichi and Ryoichi turned fifteen and Ryouichi was sent out on fighting missions and when he returned, Ryoichi was sent on risky diplomatic missions. Ryoichi secured important allies and played his hand at being a debonair mystery man while his brother was out on the field keeping the dominion safe from its enemies. Things worked smoothly, and they communicated through letters all while each worked to ensure that everything would be fine. At twenty three, Ryou, as he was called by Ryoichi, was engaged to a wife and was set to all but retire Ryoichi. The plan was to wait a bit longer and then tell the populace the truth about the twins, then allow Ryoichi to live his own life and be at peace. The Tosen ruined that plan. His parents were killed by an accident following a small skirmish between the Tosen and the Aseryo which caused Ryou to ascend to the throne quicker than planned. The terror felt by the alliance promised that any more chaos would ensure the destruction of the House. Shortly after Ryoichi volunteered to help from the shadows, and pose as his brother when needed, Ryouichi was killed. It was sneak attack by Tosen as he was returning from his appointment as Lord of the House. Ryou never saw it coming, and soon it was Ryoichi who was left to pick up the pieces. He took over his brother's role completely, using a version of the truth, Ryoichi claimed that it was his body double, his twin brother who had died in the attack with Ryoichi's wife. Ryoichi had been sent home early due to concerns about the demon attacks. This version of the truth worked, and Ryoichi was left with a grave and more power than he'd ever wanted or needed. He vowed to run the House better than their parents and slowly allowed himself to show his true hair color, claiming it as a sign of the Gods that he was meant to rule. Since then he has worked to repair relations with House Tosen to provide a unified front for the war on the demons. Other: Ryoichi enjoys gardening. Ryoichi still has traces of dye still in his hair.