[@MellyNyan] [center][h2][color=violet]The Twins[/color] "[color=cyan]Estelle[/color] [color=purple]&[/color] [color=gold]Erion[/color]"[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LPn7EWW.jpg[/img] [color=violet]Standing at 4'5, Estelle is a very slender and petite girl. Her hair goes well past her waist and she normally keeps it back in a braid. Orion stands at 5'3 and is slender like his sister. His hair is styled messily and hangs in his eyes.[/color] [color=violet]"We are 15 years of age."[/color] [color=cyan]"I am female[/color] [color=gold]and I am male."[/color] [color=violet][img]http://www.ucmas.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Left_Vs_Right_Brain.gif[/img] Erion has the left side of the brain so his personality corresponds accordingly while Estelle has the right side.[/color] [color=violet]The twins have been show to share one brain and are able to function accordingly as if they each had a separate brain. The boy possess the left side while the girl has the right. It has been found that while they have separate personalities, they share memories, skills, knowledge, physical sensations and have shown limited levels of emotional synergy. Though there is no way to know for certain, they claim to have taught themselves how to block out sensory information from each other to varying degrees. Vision and hearing can be blocked out completely, while taste, smell and touch can be weakened or completely blocked out depending on how strong the sense is. Doing so is a choice of the one receiving the information, not the one experiencing it. For example: If Erion is cold, Estelle is able to block out the sensation as long as it isn't too intense. Pain of any degree is not able to be blocked out by either of them. With physical skills, it should be noted that while both teens have the knowledge of proper technique, muscle tissue only develops to properly execute the skills efficiently and with significant endurance in the subject who physically learned the skill. For example: If Erion knows hand-to-hand combat, Estelle knows the moves but does not share the endurance of her brother required for the action. Also of note is that both seem incapable of remaining awake more than sixteen minutes after the other has fallen asleep and both awaken at the same time whether allowed to sleep until they wake up on their own or woken from their sleep separately.[/color] [hr] [h3][color=violet]POWERS[/color][/h3] [color=cyan][h2]Estelle[/h2] Atmokinesis, also known as weather manipulation, where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. [color=red]The more out of control Estelle's emotions become, the more out of control the weather becomes. She does not have full control of this power yet and therefore the elements do not always cooperate with her. [/color][/color] [color=gold][h2]Erion[/h2] Aerokinesis is the elemental ability to create control and manipulate the air and wind in a variety of offensive or defensive ways. The most common example of this is the ability to fly. Users of aerokinesis can manipulate and control or create wind and air, such as air waves, air currents, air structures, air pressure, clouds, tornadoes, storms, and altogether air bending. Other abilities include, being able to see and use air magic and the ability to influence and control the minds of air/wind spirits. [color=red]Erion must have focus when dealing with his power. If he breaks concentration then the power will either backfire and cause him and his surroundings harm or drain his strength and cause him to collapse.[/color][/color] [color=violet][h2]Both[/h2] Electrokinesis is the ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and static electricity. One with the ability can summon lightning, electricity, or even make a static shock powerful. They can electrify their weapons in order to make their weapons more effective, causing more damage. They are also unaffected by other types of electrical blasts, or are at the very least, more resistant to them. They are also able to communicate telepathically to each together. [color=red]If they lose control of their emotions or become angry there is a very high chance of lightning bolts raining from the Heavens. This of course does not hurt the twins but this cannot be said for their surroundings or those around them. On their own, their powers are significantly weaker than if they were together. Just as well their powers rely on their energy so if they use up too much it has a chance of killing them. As well, if they use their powers too much Estelle gets a nose bleed and Erion gets a headache and since they share one mind the pain is also shared between them, causing it to be stronger and more painful.[/color][/color] [hr] [color=purple][h2]Other[/h2][/color] [color=violet]Since they share a brain, they have a habit of speaking together and finishing each others sentences. Estelle has a fear of heights, tight spaces, loud noises, thunderstorms and the dark.. Erion has a fear of loosing his twin. [hr] The twins were not born to normal parents, rather, they are lab experiments. They were born from test tubes and when the scientists realized that the twins shared a single brain as well as their powers they were excited. Maybe this was the weapon they were looking for. However, the twins did not meet their expectations and when it was clear that they could not use the siblings for their intended purpose, they ordered a termination of the two. But the scientists that was meant to carry out the deed had grown fond of the twins and did not wish to see them destroyed. He contacted a couple whom he had known a while ago and asked if they could take in the twins seeing as they already had one other supernatural child. The twins were smuggled out in the dead of night and driven over to the couples house far away.[/color][/center]