[center][h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Lucifer shook his head as the American tried to justify them staying in the same quarters. It didn't matter if that was the done thing here, it was still highly inappropriate. Boys and girls do not sleep in the same room - full stop, end of story. Part of him couldn't help but think maybe he was being a stick in the mud. It was an ideology that he had grown up with, yes, but it was one taught to him by old men who hadn't seen women in years. Was he the one being backwards, or was he justified in his stance? He pondered this for a moment before deciding that, in the end, his thoughts weren't going to change anything. He had been assigned a dorm with two girls, whether he liked it or not. He was just going to have to get used to it. He was about to concede, reluctant as he was, until Katie slipped up - she said they were all girls here, even when she was looking [b]right at him[/b]. He puffed out his cheeks and frowned, his face turning red [color=#2dbdfc]"Ahem! [i]I[/i] happen to be a boy, Miss Knox![/color] What the hell? What gave her the impression that he was a girl? Did he really look, sound and act so effeminate that she just assumed he had to be female? He gave her a deathly glare as he continued talking [color=#2dbdfc]"It might be okay for people like you, Katie, but I feel a little more... what is the American word for it? Conscious of self? Something like that."[/color] But then he sighed and conceded defeat [color=#2dbdfc]"But I guess I don't have much choice in the matter. We should probably pick a room soon, by the way."[/color] He walked up the corridor, opening up a couple of doors. The first one was occupied, the second one had a few bags in it, but the third one he opened was clear [color=#2dbdfc]"This one looks okay!"[/color] he called to the girls. Kate seemed to have lost her bag and Alexandra... he couldn't quite tell what the Russian was up to. She had a strange look on her face, like a mix of bemusement, humour and [i]something[/i] else. [color=#a2a8ff]"You can't bear the thought of being alone, having two wonderful ladies to yourself~? You would not know how many a young man would kill, to be in your position."[/color] He didn't like that tone. Not even a little bit. And that smile was nothing short of terrifying. The Russian started circling him like a shark, getting closer and closer with each loop. [color=#2dbdfc]"Alexandra? What are you doing?"[/color] No answer. Instead, the Shark leaned lightly on her prey and put her lips to his ear. [color=#a2a8ff]"Ney, ney, how about this~? Wanna~ Eat~ Me~?"[/color] Lucifer was unfamiliar with the metaphor, so he gave the Russian a confused look. What could she mean by eating her? He wasn't a cannibal, if that's what she meant. He was about to ask when his brain finally got it and the penny arduously, painfully dropped. [color=#2dbdfc]"..."[/color] ....... ............ [hr] [b]Lucifer.exe has encountered an error and is no longer responding. What would you like to do?[/b] > Close program > Wait for a response [b]> Restart Program[/b] [b]Would you like to send an error report?[/b] > No [b]> No[/b] [b]Brain is searching for a solution to the problem. This may take a few minutes[/b] [b]Solution found. Restarting Lucifer.exe[/b] [hr] Lucifer blinked. Then he blinked again. He stood stock still, unsure of how exactly to respond to such a proposal. He tried to think of something to say, but no words left his mouth. He didn't dare look Alexandra in the eyes. His eyes roamed, looking for something, anything to get over what just happened. He may or may not have had a nosebleed. His brain was struggling to choose an emotion - total embarrassment, healthy scepticism and clocking the Russian Shark right in the gills. It decided to go for a mix of the two former, leaving the latter for later if necessary. [color=#2dbdfc]"Hmph. Y-you're not that attractive, you know."[/color] he managed to splutter out, in a somewhat bitter tone. His cheeks had decided that pale wasn't quite in this season, so they adorned themselves in red. [color=#2dbdfc]"Anyway, you wouldn't [i]dare[/i]. You're just saying that to embarrass me. It's not going to work, Miss Mauk, not even a little bit."[/color] With slightly more weight than was necessary, he stormed into the room, threw his bag onto the first bed he saw and turned back to beckon the other two in. [color=#2dbdfc]"Well, come on! Quit lollygagging! We've got lunch to go to!"[/color]