[center]Ryan Alon: Warakuma High: Anime and Manga Club[/center] Ryan stopped and turned back around. He wasn't totally sure what to do in this situation. "I guess its my turn now. My name is Ryan Alon. I'm 16 years old and in Year 1. My hobbies are..." He hesitated. He didn't really have any hobbies. Better just make something up. "Watching anime and playing videogames. I hope to one day be a great programmer." Ryan finished his introduction. "It's nice to meet you two. I hope I don't offend anyone." Ryan walked back to his seat and sat down. "So... did everyone decide to skip today? It seems kinda empty around here." Ryan asked as he looked around the empty room. When he first walked in he kinda thought that he came in on the wrong day. The place was a ghost town.