[color=0054a6][b]Kaigun daii (Lieutenant) Haruki , Mataba Mitsubishi F1M near Empire of Yamatai[/b][/color] Open skies surrounds the float plane as it was on a regular patrol after its launch from the IJN Yamashiro an hour earlier. The pilot Haruki, Mataba looked to his instrument panel seeing they had ten minutes until they had to turn back. “Over their off are port side.” Said Haruki’s radio operator over the planes built communications system, drawing Haruki’s attention to his port seeing a land mass off in the distance. The plane pulled into a gentle lazy turn to its port as he grew closer to the island, they closed seeing the shoreline of the country and seeing Japanese designed structures through a pair of binoculars. The landmass stretched into the distance. ”Inform command and send them info of our findings were returning to the Yamashiro. [color=0054a6][b]Imperial General Headquarters [/b][/color] “Emperor I bring bad news to you my lord, we have multiple report from are intelligence of a highly disastrous event on a global scale. “Said an advisor in a rushed tone and he bowed onto his knees before the emperor in the large hall. “Tagata come forward!” said the advisor as an intelligence colonel came forward with an over filled document in hand. “My Emperor we do not have a full grasp on the whole situation but what we understand is a paradox has taken place your troops have reported, that many shifts have taken place of landmass and countries new organized governments have replaced nonexistent or prior governments.” pronounced the intelligence officer as he paused for a moment. "Japan and her islands along with Korea have remained unaffected by this shift as we a calling it but a new landmass has been reported by naval aerial reconnaissance aircraft in the pacific almost are size between us and Hawaii, we have lost all holdings in mainland china.” continued the officer as he froze as he finished speaking expecting wraith only silence filled the room as they waited for words from the emperor. “This is a dire time for Japan but we shall endure through these changing times, we shall not waste resources on another attempt of attacking china we must consider are actions carefully with the loss of are troops and resources we must fortify Korea, continue with are currently planned moves but advise are people of this matter and prepare a massive memorial for those lost to this unfortunate event.” Announced Emperor Showa in a slow considering every word. Showa wore a calm demeanor across his face but was filled with grief and frustration. “You all are dismissed and please hurry to your task.” Said Showa as he looked to the group of advisors. [color=0054a6][b]IJN Kongo, Kongo Class Fast Battleship Kaigun chūshō (Vice Admiral) Hiritoma, Babuyan Channel, Philippines[/b][/color] Lines of Japanese Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers were formed into line from east to west their guns aimed at the night shrouded Philippines coast lines as landing ships were already forming to head towards the coast. “Vice Admiral all ships are in position and ready for landing operations sir.” Said the ship’s captain as he gazed across the bridge. ”Begin coastal bombardment on my order, spread this order with all do haste.” Ordered Hiritoma as he grabbed a pair of binoculars and exited the bridge looking at the coast in the predawn light as the sky was slowly shifting from black to orange. “Sir they are ready.” Said the executive officer well the captain stood by the communications console. “Begin bombardment, fire at will and have the landing craft start their landing operation after ten minutes of bombardment.” Silence of the night was broken in as naval guns roared to life lighting up the channel in continuous roar of thunder as over two hundred guns aboard the naval vessels unleashed this barrage of high explosive shells. Orange streaks from the naval guns streaked across the night sky as they traveled through the air before they impacted and from into a fiery pillars of earth and debris. Minutes after the coastal barrage as if on cue flights of imperial Japanese Army Air Service Mitsubishi Ki-32 light bombers in large wedge formations came from the ever brighter growing sky, Ki-32s broke from their formations and rolled into a steep dive before releasing their payloads of high explosives on their pre-determined military targets then pulled away and began heading back for Taiwan. [color=0054a6][b]Gochō(Corporal) Katsumi, Chosi , Babuyan Channel, Philippines[/b][/color] Katsumi was knelling on the landing loaded down with his whole platoon and supplies other landing craft surrounded his , he looked to the coast with a thought of the mayhem along the coast as it was writhed in flames and continuous explosions even as they closed. He watched as his world lit up as the larger guns would fire bathing them in a orange red glow then quickly fade back to darkness. He held tightly to his rifle as they closed on the beach and the planes pulled into the distance. Star burst flare exploded in white high above them as the naval guns grew silent as the landing ships grew close to the shore line.