[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/72/4a/d8/724ad8334910fcc634f8f9d7ba65fd68.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Iris [b]Age[/b] 12 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Bio[/b] Iris had a loving family, but that didn't last very long. When Iris was only five her parents took her on a short camping trip in the woods. The trip had started off well, but on a hike Iris's parents died. A storm had begun to form and Iris had strayed from her parents, hugging close to a large sheltering tree. That was when her parents disappeared. They had been near a ledge but the police never informed Iris of how her parents had died but Iris had at least figured out that her parents were most likely dead. After that Iris had been put in many foster homes but most couldn't handle her. She was silent, deadly quiet, and she often vanished, not to be found for hours. [b]Personality[/b] Iris is calm and silent. She doesn't talk much and doesn't have very much presence. She's also quite mature and well natured. She doesn't talk back but will refuse to talk about herself as well. But Iris is nice, she will help out. [b]Fear[/b] Astraphobia. The fear of thunder and lightning. Iris tends to hide under beds and in closets when storms starts and avidly checks weather forecasts. [b]Powers[/b] Iris is a shifter. She can willingly change her shape. However rapid shifting or shifting into a particular large animal, like and elephant, will cause nosebleeds. The more frequent or large the shifts the worse the nosebleeds. [b]Other[/b] Iris's favorite form is that of a large black dog [/center]