A new laboratory had been created and it's aim was to work on creating powers to give to humans. Sadly no one wanted to volunteer apart from a few brave souls. The reason for this is because of the risks. They had explained that it will cause pain and possible death at first. These brave souls have all signed up for a certain power. For example one has chosen Time control. There are many to choose from but not all will be taken most likely. The few brave souls have now been reported to have arrived and are ready to start the experiments in order for them to see if they can receive the power. [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/1acb/i/2011/354/8/8/lab_section_8_by_neisbeis-d4jojsi.jpg[/img] [img]http://themoonpublicschool.com/images/rules.png[/img] ~ The Roleplayer Guild rules still apply. ~ No making character too powerful ~ No OOC drama. ~ Please use decent grammar. Even if English is not your first language at least make it so we can understand it. ~ Please tell me if you're going to be gone for a bit or your place in this RP might be removed. ~ This is my RP please listen to what I say and if you disagree then we can work on your idea/disagreement. ~ I take part in lots of rps so don't worry if it says im online but I am not replying. Please be patient. ~ Don't worry if lots happen when you are offline.I won't make a big thing happen until everyone/most people is there. ~ Please don't control other people's characters without permission. ~ If you have an idea please let me know. I would like to get more opinions and ideas on this. ~ DO NOT REPEAT A POWER CHECK THE LIST AT THE BOTTOM! ((VERY IMPORTANT)) [img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/2u7lmop.jpg[/img] Please fill out and wait till I accept it before you join the IC: Appearance: Name: Nickname (if applicable): Age 12-40: Past(optional): Personality: Fears: Power they applied for: Other: POWERS TAKEN: ~ Animal Morphing - MellyNyan ~ Ice Control - SomeoneSomewhere ~ Ferrokinesis - VKAllen ~ Invisibility - Valkyr ~ Telekinesis - decayedAngel ~ Gravity Manipulation - Slendy ~ Hydrokinesis - MonsieurShade ~ Blood Manipulation - tsukune ~ Time Manipulation - Melodia Alluna ~ Mimicry - BurningCold ~ Shadow Manipulation - King Tai ~ Necrokinesis - Blackmist16