Estelle was humming quietly to herself, curled up on the couch in the living room. Her sketchpad rested on her lap and she was focusing intently as she carefully drew the right wing of a dragon she was working on. She had been working on it but by bit over the course of a week and now all she had left was the wings, then adding detail and finally deciding if she wanted to color it. She didn't know what Erion was doing but she could sense her twin somewhere above her in their bedroom. She could sense he was content so she figure he must be listening to music. Tilting her head slightly, her eyes rose and focused on the far wall without seeing it. She tuned into her brother and was right as music began drifting through her ears from his. Sensing his twin in his mind, Erion consciousness brushed against hers, curiosity now coming through the bond. Estelle smiled slightly. [I][color=cyan]Just wondering what you were up to.[/color][/I] She told him before going back to her own mind and focusing on her drawing once again.