[@Kurisa][@Oblivion666] [color=3CB371][b]"Well it's lovely to meet you Zephyr! I've never heard of a name like that before, it's very nice and different [i]hmhm[/i]. You're [i]that[/i] lazy that you need a short name for Cook? Hehehe"[/b][/color] Nishiki couldn't help but have a little chuckle over the nickname, it seemed silly to her since it wasn't even a nickname for the person's name, just their job title. Nishiki then looked at Keisuke and pouted as he rejected her request. Zephyr then gave his input, making Nishiki give a little '[i]hmpf[/i]'. [color=3CB371][b]"Well that's a shame, I wanted to take you both to meet my partner, I think she would of gotten on well with you two!..-Wait, what do you mean by 'people like you' Keisuke? Are you not a soul? Are you a human?"[/b][/color] Asking her question, Nishiki gave Keisuke a strong look of curiosity, if he wasn't a soul then what was he? This discovery would definitely make Nishiki's day more interesting.