[center][img]http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Anime/B7CAFAB7-AAF4-4DE9-B2CB-570E91BCBF02_zpsvbzegdya.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Red]Daemon or D[/color][/H1] 18 He is afraid of heights and losing his sister He is has pyrokinesis. Meaning, he can set things on fire with his mind. His emotions get the better of him so his ability is very hard to control. [h2][color=red]Past[/color][/h2] D was born a bastard. His mother was a prostitute and his father was a John. His mother tried being a good mother, even stopped doing drugs and selling herself, but around when he turned two she went back to her old ways. She married a drug dealer and had a child together, his half sister. This was the moment D realized he couldn't just protect himself. His step father was abusive towards his sister and mother. He found out his abilities when, at one point, he found his step father in his sister's room. He set his step father on fire and burned down the apartment building they were living in. His mother sent him and his sister into foster care after that, seeing as she did not want them in the first place, and they were adopted. (they were just adopted so this will be their first day) [h2][color=red]Personality[/color][/h2] D is a flirtatious ladies man. He flirts with anyone and anything. He is very serious and protective when it comes to his sister, though; and sees his family as such. If anyone were to hurt them, he would set them on fire. Literally. He is also extremely mischievous and finds pranks rather hilarious. [/center] [center][img]http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Anime/163876BB-1532-48F1-957C-8EC3373A6842_zpsl0bpuvtl.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=purple]Adelisa or Dela[/color][/h1] 16 Dela has a fear of large men and being alone She is able to see and feel someone's past through touch and she has the ability to transfer scars from one person to her and vise versa. [color=purple][h2]Past[/h2][/color] Her brother's past kind of explains hers. They are both arriving today. [color=purple][h2]Personality[/h2][/color] Adelisa is a fiesty redhead. She doesn't let people scare her anymore and she doesn't let people push her around. She can be very shy and scared if men are too close to her, but she tries to ignore it and them. She has depression because of her past, but she hides it behind her outgoingness and sass. [color=blue][h2]Other[/h2][/color] Adelisa and Daemon are both very artistic and tend to shove themselves into a bunch of artsy activity. They are opposites of eachother school wise, seeing as Daemon is more science and math while Adelisa is more English and history. Daemon is a people person while Adelisa is an animal person. [/center]