[center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_ZuoPMYQtj0/UHzdW6KiAnI/AAAAAAAAFro/AZVNPvofwYA/s1600/wolverine.jpg[/img][/center] The air smelled of salt and fish as Wolverine jumped from the roof of a warehouse onto a nearby pile of shipping containers. Night had fallen over the docks, and most of the people who worked legitimate jobs were home at this hour. All that was left were the scum of the earth, easy pickings for James Howlett. Wolverine hid within the shadows, careful to not reveal himself when a pair of men in suits carrying assault rifles passed by his perch. Professional killers. Just like the guys who had been protecting Henry Jenkins, the scumbag in charge of this sick circuit. Wolverine had made sure Jenkins got what he deserved before heading over to the docks to save the kiddies locked up in the basement. Logan waited until the patrol had passed out of earshot before sliding down the shipping containers and dashing across the street behind a pile of loose steel beams. He took a whiff of the air, separating the various smells that entered his nose. Logan identified ten more individuals surrounding the warehouse, with the last two mobile around the dock. Aside from the smell of fish, oil and rust, Wolverine could smell the kids. All one hundred and twenty three of 'em. Logan was a little surprised to hear that only twelve men were needed to watch over so many mutants. After all, Wolverine could take an army all on his lonesome. Maybe, he theorized, Jenkins' bosses only wanted the more docile or harmless mutants for Trask. Wouldn't make sense to protect a shipment of a small horde of bulletproof kids with laser vision using only twelve guys. But back to the mission at hand. Wolverine reached into one of various pouches on his belt and pulled out a watch. Three in the morning. He'd have at least two or three hours before anyone showed up for work at the warehouses. Good. In that amount of time, Logan should be able to get all these kids out and to Romulus' people. The boss said he was goin' ta find out where the kids' parents were and send 'em home, so long as that's what they wanted. Of course he was going to try and recruit whoever he could, but there wasn't enough room in Team X's safehouse for a hundred and twenty three super powered brats. Anybody willin' to take in that many mutant kids would have to be crazy. He slipped the watch back inside the pouch. Wolverine pulled his mask down tighter around his face, before sliding out from behind the cover of the steel beams and making his way towards the warehouse. Shimming along the side of the building, Logan spotted a sturdy pipe leading from below ground to the roof. Weapon X tested his weight against the pipe; once he was sure the metal construct was secure enough to hold all three hundred pounds of weight Logan was carrying around, the assassin ascended to the roof. A mouse would have been jealous of Logan's stealth. The roof of the warehouse was completely flat. A blessing and a curse for Wolverine. On one hand, he wouldn't need to worry about accidentally falling off. On the other hand, the two patrolling guards wouldn't have any trouble spotting Logan when they looped back around for another pass. With this fact in mind Logan moved swiftly. He slid open one of half a dozen skylights that dotted the old structure, slipping inside and landing on a raised walkway. Now that Wolverine was inside, he had a clear view of the interior of the warehouse. The top floor had seven guards inside with three more guards in the basement. Two of the seven were positioned on the upper walkways, where Logan was now perched. They would have to go first. Wolverine disappeared into the shadows as one of the armed guards rounded the corner and stepped into his line of sight. The unsuspecting trooper received three claws through the face. Logan dragged the body into the darkness and dashed across the walkway. The second guard leaned against a stack of crates, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. The distracted combatant made easy prey for Wolverine. With the walkways clear of spying eyes, Logan had a chance to locate the remaining criminals. Five more scumbags dotted the warehouse. Two of said scumbags ran into each other and decided to spark up a conversation. "Hey Joe," One of the thugs asked, clutching his assault rifle to his chest. "Did ya hear anythin'...Weird..Earlier?" "Nah, man. You?" Joe replied casually. This seemed to offset the other guard. "Yeah. Sounded like somebody was gurglin' water. Freaked me out, so's I went to check it out. Didn't see nothin'." Joe just shrugged. "You're hearing things." The guard shook his head furiously. "No way, dude. Heard it clear as day. You think it was one of our boys kicking the bucket?" The guard looked up, worried about the two men assigned to the walkways. The guard tried to scream; but alas, he was too slow. Wolverine fell down from the rafters and decapitated the two guards simultaneously. Blood sprayed all over Logan, who didn't so much as grunt at the sickening display. "Holy shit!" Wolverine's head turned at a hundred miles per hour at the sudden exclamation. Half an instant later bullets started to fly. One of the guards had discovered Logan's presence, and watched him kill two of the guards! "Hmph." Wolverine slammed forward like a freight train. Bullets sunk into the charging mutant, but that didn't stop Logan's rampage. He sliced the gun in half with his Adamantium claws before doing the same to the man holding the gun. The final two guards appeared, opening fire as well. They tried to drop the mutant with everything they had. But Wolverine wasn't goin' down that easy, cutting out both guards' throats and letting them drown in their own blood. Now to find the basement entrance. Logan scanned the warehouse floor and noticed a nearby staircase leading downwards. He moved like a shade down the stairs. His speed was incredible. When Wolverine reached the bottom of the stairs, he kicked the metal emergency door off its hinges and caused the thing to fly across the room. The basement was pretty standard. A furnace, a conveyor belt, some crates, and a couple of holding cells with superpowered kids inside. The remaining three guards turned their attention towards the stairs. Yet when the first one turned around, Wolverine was gone. What?! Where'd he go?! A blood curdling scream caused the guard's skin to crawl as he turned around once more. His fellow mercenaries were both on the floor, eviscerated and mutilated. Logan chopped off both the man's arms, roaring like an animal. The man cried out in pain and fell to his knees. Wolverine shot his knee forward. The sheer force of the attack caused the target's nose to be pushed so far back into his skull that his nose pierced his brain, killing him. Terrified screams and the sound of crying brought Logan's mind back into the present. Reminded him of the job he was here to do. Wolverine turned towards the caged children, slicing off the locks on their cages. Utterly and completely afraid of their savior the mutants immediately ran for the exit with no regard for the others. Wolverine stood in silence until the room was emptied out. Another job well done, he'd guess. Agents of Romulus were waiting outside dressed as police officers and paramedics. They would help the kids. Get them back to their parents, if they desired. The more powerful of them would be tagged and observed, while the weaker ones would be treated of their injuries and released back into the world. So long as they were kept out of Bolivar Trask's filthy little hands, Romulus didn't care what they did. But really, who did?