Chaos, noises, smoke and fire. These were all nothing but peripheral events outside of Dorugoramon's feral focus, inconsequential and unimportant. She could see other Digimon around her, all fighting the same enemy she was engaging, but they didn't matter; none of them mattered. She couldn't care less about what they chose to do as long as they didn't get in her way. To her, all that mattered was Millenniummon and her sinking her fangs into said Digimon. A primal thrill and fury, something of a deep-seated bloodlust, were her only drives and they were more than sufficient to motivate her. With a feral snarl, the dragon glared right into Millenniummon's eyes and suddenly crouched down, keeping her body low in comparison to the others. She began to stalk and circle the abomination, her eyes completely glued to him, and would occasionally lunge at him to feign an attack, though she would still slip real offensive strikes every now and then to keep the monster occupied and to keep him from catching on to her ruse. Her roars and screeches only served to make her look even more animalistic, even compared to the likes of Parasimon. Strangely enough, when her behavior was examined from an outside view, it was almost as if... she was [i]herding[/i] him towards the open body of water nearby. While there was no doubt about her ferocity and seeming lack of higher intellect, she wasn't completely dumb and, as it turned out, she had been listening to what the other Digimon around her were saying. Why she chose to assist them was a question only Dorugoramon knew the answer to.