[@MellyNyan] [@Savi] Varshe knew what Skye was implying. He knew all too well how sour things might turn if this kept going, yet he felt like he should give things a chance. The purple-haired boy was unsure whether he should just go along with it, to create less hassle and get over with it, or struggle until the very end to refuse and reject everyone coldly, leaving them at the distance they should be. The youngster was confused. He calmly thought things over, before rushing to a decision. He thought about the best way to handle things, to maintain himself, without ending up in a bigger mess the boy inside already was. He took a deep breath and rested his emotionless, cold eyes on Adelisa; then on Daemon. He observed Daemon closely. [color=violet]"My.. name is Varshe"[/color], he tried to introduce himself without snapping into his usual temper, feeling his eyebrow twitch; he was incredibly irritated.