[h1]Injae Park[/h1] [@Mr Allen J] [hr] [i]"Congratulations, San Francisco, you ruined pizza! First the Hawaiians... And now [/i]you![i]"[/i] Ratchet had silenced her phone in the theatre so as not to disturb anyone, but she did want to check if Jen had texted her back. She pressed on the power button of her iPhone; thankfully, she had turned the volume completely off. Sure enough, Jen had asked her where to meet. Ratchet hunched over and typed as quickly as she could with only one hand. [i]Outside movie theatre near Knightsdale,[/i] she texted, before shutting her phone off again. "Ooooh, you aren't supposed to text during the movie," Kate chided. "Friend," Ratchet mumbled, shoving the iPhone into her overalls pouch. "Still," Kate pouted. "Spend time with your family. Especially since [i]Om-ma[/i] isn't going to let us talk during the wedding ceremony." "Yikes. Don't remind me," Ratchet said, rolling her eyes. "By the way, I sent that pic of you in the flower girl dress to Holly. She said you looked cute." "Shaddap." Ratchet and Kate continued to watch the movie. Both of them wept for Bing Bong's act of heroism, and for Riley's reunion with her parents. Ratchet might be part machine but she still had feelings. -- "Can you believe they only have In-n-Out in California?" asked Kate, as she and Ratchet left the theatre. Ratchet had lunch money in her pocket. The two of them had finished the popcorn early into the movie. "You east-coasters must be so deprived." "Hey," Ratchet said, pointing at Kate with a deadpan expression. "Burgers are a thing all over the States." "You mean McDonald's," Kate teased. "Oh, be quiet, you know there are other stores." "Like Wendy's, Burger King, Carl's Jr., Jack-in-the-Box..." Ratchet rolled her eyes. "So you're meeting Jen today?" Kate asked. "Yeah," Ratchet replied. "Did you bring your DS?" "Yep." Ratchet pulled the game system out of her pocket and flicked her wrist to show that she had it. "Circle pad's falling off, though, and I've got a wonky R button; might have to replace this old thing with a New 3DS." "Oh, boy, that sounds good." "Who knows? Might pick one up this summer, actually," Ratchet said with a smile.