[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] and Napoli Fiordilatte - Combat Training[/h2] When her name was called, Sapphire rose from her seat and jumped from the stands into the arena, landing with her feet braced and one hand on the ground steadying her. She could, of course, have used the stairs, but it was slow and she liked using the time it took her opponent to enter the arena to size them up and evaluate any weaknesses they might have. Sapphire stood and drew her shotguns, she placed the ends together and they interlocked transforming themselves into her polearm weapon. She aligned the blades on the barrel in the position most suited for slash attacks and awaited Napoli's entrance. The ever grinning sniper was still chuckling from the results of his irksome compadre's fight. Getting screwed over because she scared her partner, it was dumb, sure, but knowing how frustrated Gratia would be right now made it all worthwhile. Seems Cian's surrender wasn't all that Gratiaous. [i]Yeah, that was pretty terrible.[/i] Still, while reveling in Gratia's misfortunes was fun, the duelist did understand that it was now his turn to shine. His opponent, one Sapphire Rode, currently awaited him in the arena, and while she may have seen fit to engage in pointless acrobats, Napoli found it much more prudent to save his energy. After all, there was no use in rushing, save his energy for when it mattered. Hence why he was casually walking down the steps. However make no mistake, Napoli, despite his appearance and demeanor, was still taking full advantage of the opportunity to study his partner. [i]Shotguns that turn into a polearm. Not the greatest weapons to face, but hey, this isn't my first Rode-o. Man, I really am fantastic sometimes. Rode-o, that's a keeper all right. Still I should probably get back to analyzing her. Let's see, she's uptight, a little frigid, one might say that she's a real hidden gem. [/i] It wasn't that long before Napoli reached the arena. "Yo, nice to meet you, Ms. Rode. Hopefully my tendency as a sniper doesn't make this fight too easy for you, cause I'm kind of hoping for a fun little match." However even as Napoli gave his greetings, his eyes brought to his attention something far more worrying. His aura levels were already halfway depleted. [i]How in the world did that happen? Wait....[/i] "That Bitch!" Napoli interjected as the circumstances behind the depletion dawned upon him. His ever consistent teammate just had to always view him as the enemy. [i]When I see her again, she's dead.[/i] Sapphire watched with a critical eyes as Napoli nonchalantly walked down the stairs into the arena. It appeared her first assessment based solely on his name had been a little more accurate than Sapphire had expected. He had a bit of a strut to his walk as though nothing could disrupt it and a lazy grin plastered on his face that while making it seem like he didn't take anything serious also gave Sapphire the irresistible urge to punch him. His primary weapons appeared to be a rapier and short sword. It was a common combination which unfortunately for Napoli was designed specifically to deal with others that wielded similar weapons. It would be far less effective against her polearm. As the battle was about to commence something else caught Sapphire's eye. It was the score boards at the back of the arena that reported the progress of the match. While it registered that Sapphire's aura levels were normal Napoli's where more than half depleted. This was going to be a very short and very sweet fight. A smile spread over Sapphire's face. It wasn't the humorous kind, it was the smile of a predator that had her prey surrounded and knew the outcome of the fight before it even began. Using one hand Sapphire spun her polearm twice around flipping the weapon over the back of her hand and taking hold of it again before she spun it once over her head and stopped it's motion with her other hand. In one swift movement she swung one end forward and spun it down next to her side so that one of the shotguns was pointed directly at Napoli's head. [color=0054a6]"Your move, Fiordilatte."[/color] Napoli just chuckled at Sapphire's excessive movements, if she was serious she would have just fired her gun. Taking care to gently step out of the shotgun's line of fire, Napoli addressed his rather rude partner. "Now come on Signorina, I did you the courtesy of a proper greeting, is it too much to ask for one in return." Now circling around Napoli merely shook his head, "Ah well, I suppose the people in this country are just lacking in manners. I guess I can't be all that surprised that you're a bit [i]rode[/i]. Get it? Rode like in rude, please tell me that you at least have a sense of humor? Oh forget it, I suppose we should get this over with already, it's not like we have much shot at a fair fight anymore. Aura levels and annoying teammates am I right?" His chuckle finally subsiding, although his grin remained ever plastered on, Napoli finally drew his rapier and dagger as he settled from High Ward into Low Ward stance. Knuckles low, blade pointed up and to the left, dagger in left hand, legs ready to move in an instance. The most versatile of the three Wards Napoli had learned. At any moment Napoli was ready to step forward with a thrust or avoid an enemy attack. "Well, Ms. Rode, shall we begin this party? I'm serious about wanting to have a fun match. There's a time and a place for life or death, but this is school. Lighten up a little and just roll with it. You don't need all that weight to be valuable. Get it? Sapphires and weight like carats and I'll just shut up now. As you said, your move Ms. Rode. Seriously though just saying the last name of a guy you barely know is a little rude. Yeah I know, shut up already. Fine." Sapphire starred at her opponents as they circles each other. He seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice far more than was healthy. [color=0054a6]"Are you for real?"[/color] she asked with disdain. This fight was going to be so easy it bordered on pathetic. From the little she'd seen of this Napoli Fiordilatte he was a pompous ass who Sapphire would be more than happy to stamp into the ground. Then again if Napoli was as prideful and arrogant as he was making himself out to be he would simply claim that she’d won because his aura was already depleted before the battle commenced. Sapphire knew she was more skilled than this Haven know it all, so instead of attacking she lowered her weapon and closed her eyes. There was a shrill ringing in her ears that no one could hear except her. As she concentrated her body glowed purple and the score board in the back reported her aura level falling to half. The same level as he opponent. [color=0054a6]"I’m not a cheat and I’m not going to win on a technicality. You have no skill worth boasting about Fiordilatte and very little wit to compliment it. Now show me what you got."[/color] Sapphire said as she raised her weapon again the gun pointed at Napoli’s face and tracing him as he circled around her. "Oh come on, I'm just trying to be polite. Why is this such a foreign concept? Seriously, can we talk about why you're so angry? I'm sure it'll be worthwhile." Napoli pleaded one last time as he continued staying a step ahead of Sapphire's gun. [i]I swear this chick is almost as bad as Gratia. Do people here really have no concept of manners?[/i] "If you're really itching for a fight that bad just start it already. It hasn't stopped you from being rude and disrespectful at every turn. I haven't even tried boasting about anything. I dunno, I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot somehow. You sure there's nothing worth talking about first?" Napoli asked even as he grew more certain of what the answer would be. Rather than indulge Napoli’s flippancy any longer, Sapphire instead started running, at the last second she jumped into the air over Napoli’s head. As she passed over him she fired two dust infused rounds into the ground at his feet. One was ice and the other fire. As Sapphire landed the two opposing elements mixed in a violent reaction with Napoli at the center. They vented hot steam in every direction completely obscuring the arena from all the onlookers except for Miss Goodwitch who was able to see through the obstruction. Sapphire while now able to see only a few feet in front of her had the advantage. The girl in blue had had plenty of practice fighting without the use of her sight thanks to the after effects of her semblance. She could feel air currents change and concentrate on the smallest sounds. Sapphire moved silently over the battlefield constantly aware of where her enemy was but invisible to him waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Napoli merely sighed as he noticed the distinct lack of conversation as Sapphire started charging at him. [i]Guess we're doing this the hard way,[/i] the Mistralese Hunter in training mused as he focused in on his target. It didn't take a genius to realize that her leap over was a planned action, and the best plan in response was simple. [i]Run.[/i] Thus even as Sapphire fired her rounds from above, Napoli was rolling clear out of the blast. The time for talk was evidently at an end. A real shame all things considered, conversation always made for more interesting fights after all. This was school, what was the point in being so serious all the time. As far as Napoli was concerned it was far better to take pleasure in the peaceful moments. If he had a chance at fun, he'd take it after all. Yet that was neither here nor there, and Napoli quickly adapted to the now steam filled arena. See Napoli functioned primarily as a sniper, and the thing snipers constantly had to be aware of was the wind direction. An extra breeze here or there was the difference between a direct hit or a wide miss. The added steam of course, just gave Napoli a visual cue to complement his other senses. Polluted wind after all was a whole lot easier to feel. Even now Sapphire's movements were imparting subtle changes in the steam, there's a reason people didn't go into the smoke grenades they threw, it was only good for blocking sight when you weren't in it. One other fun fact about snipers, they were really good at being absolutely still and silent. While Sapphire circled around slowly, Napoli stayed in his position awaiting the moment she came into range to thrust forward fast and suddenly at her chest. However regardless of the outcome of his attack, Napoli was prepared to instantly roll out of the way and disappear into a different section of the steam. Sapphire was more than aware that despite the steam she wasn’t invisible. While it gave her an advantage she couldn’t assume that this Napoli was completely oblivious. Even if he didn’t know where she was right now all his senses would be working overtime ready to lash out at the tiniest hint that she was going to attack. If this were weaponless combat she could likely beat him with ease. However being unaware of what special qualities his weapons might possess promoted caution. She withdrawn one of the school’s daggers from her belt and threw it into the steam at the misty figure where she believed Napoli’s head resided before rolling to the right and out of range of attack. Here she fired off the same flashpoint round she’d used in her previous combat class. She closed her eyes, the steam dampened the effects somewhat but it was still effective for the first three seconds that it was active as opposed to the usual ten. Knowing that she must have blinded him at least for a few seconds Sapphire aimed a blow with the furthest edge of her polearm at Napoli’s ribs. As previously mentioned Napoli had been patiently awaiting his moment to strike, paying close heed to shifts in the steam to get an understanding of his opponent's whereabouts. Thus even as she circled around him Napoli was well in the know and then she came within five feet to throw her dagger, but Napoli was quick. The moment she came into his range he instantly pivoted and thrust forward before rolling to a new location himself. While his attack had unfortunately missed, the roll saved Napoli from the brunt of the flashpoint round, and besides sight was already a secondary concern thanks to the steam. Not letting the moment pass, Napoli rapidly stepped back into range and thrust while Sapphire was distracted by the flashpoint round. His own eyes might have been a bit dazed, but he still had more than enough sight to deliver an accurate strike. In the process Napoli closed the gap and slipped within Sapphire’s guard, causing her polearm to exist uselessly behind Napoli. “So Signorina, can we get that proper introduction already?” Sapphire cursed herself internally. It was a rookie mistake to think that the steam had completely blinded Napoli. Of course had she activated her semblance passively the steam would be all that she needed to ensure that he would be unable to ascertain her location, the shifts in the steam wouldn't register on a conscious level and as long as she was quiet he couldn't find her until she attacked. However after she'd used her ability to just barely snatch victory in her last sparring match Sapphire wanted to know her skills better without it. While she was distracted by the flashpoint round Napoli took his chance to attack. Sapphire saw it coming at the last second. Sapphire was fast but she had been caught unawares and the rapier was a weapon of speed. She managed to ensure that it did not hit her chest as was the intended target. Rather the blade slashed through the top of one of the leather gloves she wore. The blade was so fine and her aura already depleted from evening the playing fields Sapphire's collapsed momentarily as the blade sliced a shallow gash through her skin. She could use her aura to heal it after the battle. Napoli had the advantage and he knew it. Just a little too well, the blonde boy became over confident that she could not retaliate in any meaningful way. He slipped inside her guard but rather than attack as would have been Sapphire's first instinct he spoke. Napoli's proximity did render her polearm all but useless for its conventional uses however the same could be said of Napoli's sword and Sapphire was more than capable of fighting bare handed. Sapphire let her polearm drop to the ground. Sapphire and Napoli where so close that she didn't need any sort of fancy attack, she raised her knee lightning fast into Napoli's rib cage. Without wasting a second Sapphire grabbed Napoli by the shoulders and hooked one of legs under the back of Napoli's calf. She dove forward tripping him over her leg and they both landed on the ground. Sapphire shifted her weight pressing her right knee to his chest, her left leg crushing Napoli's sword wrist into the floor. With her opponent securely pinned beneath her Sapphire leaned in close pressing her forearm into the side of his neck where an artery ran blood straight to the brain, ready to choke him out if necessary. [color=0054a6]"You ready to call it quits or shall we wait out the timer?"[/color] she smiled just a little bit. [color=0054a6]"I'm Sapphire by the way."[/color] "That will not be necessary, Miss Rode," the smooth, icy voice of the instructor addressed the victor from across the arena. Ms. Goodwitch was not, evidently, in a good mood due to the nature of the match's beginning--to have someone start at a complete disadvantage would have infuriated and demoralized anyone else. By keeping a calm, joking demeanor, however, Napoli had kept himself out of that rut. Now, however, the duel had ended utterly predictably despite his bravado. or so it seemed. "You might be curious to why the observant, speed-oriented Mr. Fiordilatte did not put up a proper defense against your hold. As it turns out, the match was decided already. Your aura dipped momentarily into the red zone, which means that you have lost. Sapphire looked up as Goodwitch strode through the steam. She'd [i]lost[/i]? Sapphire glanced at the scratch on her hand. [i]That[/i] was enough to end a combat match? Pathetic, if this were true fight she'd have so much more left to do. She grabbed the torn glove and tossed it into the steam. Then she looked down at Napoli. [color=0054a6]"We're not done, you've won [i]nothing[/i]."[/color] She hissed darkly. The azure haired girl stood up putting more pressure on Napoli's chest than was strictly necessary or comfortable. She gathered up her weapons and stored them before walked off, her semblance causing her to disappear into the steam. "What? Right after I get a proper introduction she gets all pissed off again. Come on Signorina, you're almost as bad as Gratia." Chuckling a bit from the outcome of the match, Napoli spun his sword breaker, which he had turned into it's pistol form during the fall, in his hand before placing it in its holster/sheath. [i]Sholster for short.[/i] [i]Probably a good thing I didn't go ahead and fire those shots at her back, being a murderer after my first duel at Beacon isn't all that great of a reputation. Wonder if I should tell her that I could have shot her in the back there. Might help her realize that she would've lost anyway?[/i] However a quick glance at his opponent, as she disappeared into the steam, quickly dissuaded Napoli of any such notion. After all she appeared to be in a bad enough mood already, telling her she had lost completely probably wouldn't make matters any better. "Hey uh, Ms. Rode, if you can still hear me, I had fun. Shall we do it again some time?" [i]Man, are all Huntresses pyscho? What'd I give for someone normal, instead of these Rode-y characters. Rode-y, like rowdy, get it? Yeah, I probably could've thought that one out better.[/i] "So uh, Miss Goodwitch, thanks for the compliments. At least I think they were compliments. If they weren't then, well, I'll be leaving now, thanks again." [i]Can't wait to see how the others criticize this match,[/i] Napoli mused as he made his way out of the arena. [i]Also those scars, seems like she's another broken ace with a rough childhood. Probably should ask her about it sometime. Y'know, when she's not pissed off and wanting to brutally maim me.[/i]