Name: Urke'j Lask ( Goes by Haeson, Or "Metalls Schmied", Metal's Smith ) Race: Gremlin, Winter Fae Position: Former Winter Baron, Current Winter King Age: Seems 20 under glimmer, looks 25 without. Predates the fall of the Roman Empire. (I will say vauguely, 1400 years or the like. Dudes older than most hills.) Personality: Harsh, snappy and cold, thought out but Logical. Quick to anger. Corruptible, yet not Foolish Appearance: With glimmer: 5'8, short black hair with green-blue eyes, usually in a craft-man's suit fitting for a metal worker, Without Glimmer: 6'4 long bound blond/sliver hair, darker skin, iron earrings on longer ears Similar to Elven yet not as pointy. wearing fur and leather in a Tribal, or barbaric armor that dates back to the Gaul tribes, dark red eyes. and a short beard. Background: Urke'j Lask, as the Winter Baron, won power through debt and Domination. Earning the Title of the Metal's Master, as he finished the masterpiece, The Fang of Shadows. a Great blade made to cut asunder not only flesh, but mind and soul as well. Its feasts upon the blood of its victims to further grow in power, ad the more powerful the victim, the greater the feast.. He then used his blade, to tear asunder previous barons, and clam the seat himself. He served the Winter King methodically, Uncaring to move onward, but refusing to allow other to challenge him for his seat of power. Urke'j had been baron longer than most can recall, and those who do remember only do so because of a lesson harshly learned. Never one to let a Favor go unpaid, he will take a mile, when only an inch is offered. When the previous winter king faltered, and showed weakness unfitting for the court of winter, Lask, in all his disgust, took up his blade and slew the once mighty king, claiming the throne and title, though perhaps not for the best of winter. Under Lask's brutal tyranny winter became more organized, and more focused on getting what needed to be done, completed. In the most part it suited winter to be so direct and industrious, but what winter didn't need is the shift of power, With the incredibly cruel and torturous fae in power, winters become more and more cruel... They've also become a direct threat to the power of the Summer and Fall courts- ignoring spring as weak or not worth the effort.