Gave it a good read through. If I ever needed a sheet of such caliber, I'd make the following adjustments: The bit about the personality type is too esoteric for those not thoroughly versed in Freudian psychology, and it would be better to use actual temperments rather than the old Shakespearean terminology. I have a Masters in English literature and I still can never remember what the hell "phlegmatic" means besides "having an excess of phlegm." The education section also only allows for the current "traditional" Western school system. What about a mentorship? What about home schooling? What about learning a trade? What about inheriting a family trade? What about growing up at a temple? What about being raised by wolves? The series of questions doesn't seem to accommodate a wide variety of educational backgrounds. A clever writer could of course play with the questions, but the questions themselves scream "grade school, then college." Other than that, seems pretty good.