[hider=Jonathan Silvas] Name: Jonathan Silvas Age: 47 Gender: Male Mastery: Metallic Specialty: Mechanic Rank: Weaver Appereance: Jonathan stands tall at 5'9"", with a muscled build. His black hair, as well as his slightly unshaved beard, have stated shown some specks of white hair- possibly more than normal for his age, due to the physical and mental fatigue he had experienced throughout the years-, but his amber brown eyes sparkle like they never did before. A roughed-out man, with hands full of scars and burns that vibration with his white, but slightly tanned skin , but also a slightly charming man, according to some. He always carries with him a pair of glass optical lenses, which he constructs in-situ into a pair of glasses when he needs them. Equipment: Any Arcane Staff he requires for his current task (more on than on History) Generally prefers wearing a full set of armor, so he can have have access to a good amount of material to work with. Demeanor: Jonathan is a quiet man, possibly an introvert by some standards. He prefers hearing others talk, and only jumps into the conversation when he is sure about the validity of his words- when he does, however, he shows signs of great wisdom. Gaining Jonathan's attention and trust is generally a hard task, and will require patience and skill. For the ones who have, however, he is an extremely loyal companion who will put their lives beyond his. Jonathan also loves reading and expanding his knowledge over a wide variety of subjects, especially concerning magic. On the recent years, however, he has given the mage community the impression that he has gone insane, even though this is not true; well, not entirely. This theory is also bakd up by his obsession with backronyms, even though this is something he always had. History: Jonathan is the only son of a blacksmith named Stewart Silvas; his mother, Margaret, died at his birth. Even though not a poor man by any means, Stewart was not satisfied by his way of making a living, and wanted his son to have a better life than him; for that reason, he raised Jonathan to become a priest of Karina. However, as he grew up, he found more interest in his father's tradition. Despite their arguing on that matter, Stewart finally conceded on his son's decisions and trained him to the art of smithing. One day, at the age of 16, Jonathan broke a swordblade he was working. He was immediately captured by fear and embarrassment as his father walked in, and just when he was about to punish him, they both realised that the blade had reattached. Mesmerized by this unnatural act, Jonathan was directed by his father to concentrate on the hot blade again, and it was proven that he could indeed manipulate the hot metal. Stewart immediately realised the danger his son was under in this remote and superstitious village. He gave him almost all the money avalaible on him to Jonathan and told him to hurry towards the Academy. Even though initially reluctant, he followed his father's orders. He left his home and, through an adventurous journey that lasted a year, finally reached the whereabouts of the Academy. During his training, Jonathan took a passionate interest in the study of magic in all its forms. He read scrolls with spells, he learnt books on the study of magical and Arcane arts. He read, and he read, and he read. Even though he initially wanted to become an Ironworker, in memory of his father- whose fate he did not know since he left his home, and he still doesn't- he was eventually enchanted by the possibilities offers in the path of the Mechanic, which he followed. In his late-30s, he had reached many conclusions about the art of magic, the most important of which is the fact that magic is not merely a supernatural power with certain limitation, but a power with laws, rules, exploits ; almost akin to a science. This enabled him theoretically to reliably imitate certain applications of magics, up to this point restricted in regards who could use which, into constructions of Metallic nature ; allowing the wielder of a tool- say, a staff- to use said aspect -colloquially known as a spell- without being an apprentice of said element. He tested and trained on this theory for years, in conjuction with Weavers of other elements,with which he studied all elements at the best of his abilities. However, Jonathan eventually became fixed on the idea that, through certain proccesses, he could create tools that could replicate certain aspects of other elements by themselves. This gave him the reputation of initially the slightly disturbed, afterwards kooky, and finally the outright nuts mage, which only got worse when he requested the Academy Masters to send him with a research team on the closest parts of the Scar, so they could investigate it in further detail; sure that this would clear out the haze behind his idea. The Masters repeteadly declined on this request, and gradually started restricting his rights from the Academy, convinced he was insane. Then, at the age of 43, Jonathan decided to take the matters in his on hands; in the span of six months, and with the help of his iron companions, Small Tool-Working Robotic Technician and Medium Robotic Gear and Apparus-crafting Robotic Technician, he built a crude airship- nothing too spectacula, but enough to get him away from the Academy during the night, along with most of his reseach scrolls and experiments. The Academy has yet to find out anything about his fate from this point afterwards. [/hider]