Kyuzo went through the door as hit combat HUD lit up, showing him the location of several enemies on the main floor, in his direct vicinity. He tossed two flashpacks at opposite ends of the room and they immediately sent off powerful flashes of light that were meant to stun and blind targets. There was a metal storage container between him and the targets on the main floor, so he moved to that immediately. As he moved, he targeted and fired at 2 fire extinguishers on the wall, causing a good size explosion in both locations. At those spots, one on a wall near each of the stairs, it destroyed part of the wall, sent shrapnel in different directions, and then hopefully sent at message to at least a few of those inside that those coming in meant business and that this business was not what they were paid to deal with. A few moments after, gunshots started to ring out from an assault rifle. He figured that they were shot in a general direction at this point, but bullets didn’t care if what they hit was a target or not. He looked behind him to see the other two runners making their way into the door. He waved a hand at them to move over to the covered position before turning around its corner and bounding off into the room. He chose to move in the direction of the closest fire extinguisher (to the left of the main entrance, near the stairs) as the carnage, debris, and dust would give him some concealment as he moved. He jumped over one form on the floor, an ork who was either unconscious or dead, and stepped through the smoke and dust and found himself in front of a troll. The troll turned, but the strobe from the flashpack went off, disorientating the troll. Kyuzo sidestepped immediately and darted in low, avoiding the spray of the assault rifle fire that the troll sent where Kyuzo was a fraction of a second before. The ork felt his metabolic system pump some chemical or hormone into him in the form of a burst of speed and energy as he moved in and caught the troll with an uppercut, full under the chin. If there was a picture in the dictionary of what a textbook uppercut looked like, that was it. There was a low but distinct BZZZZZ sound as the ProTek Shock Knuckles did their job. The nice thing about these is that not only did the incapacitate the body, they also did a number on electronics. That damage would depend on the type of system, but still, it was just a nice little addition. The troll crumbled in a heap onto the floor.