Link was stressing out, anyone with a decent pair of eyes could see that much. Though Caelan was feeling quite a lot too he wasn't going to break down like that, it was just something you couldn't be doing out here. He'd spent a fair share of his earlier days freaking out whenever he and his companions at the time hit a roadblock, and all it did was waste time and make everything harder. Best to just swallow your worries and deal with it later, far as he was concerned. That was what he'd like to say, but somehow he figured it wasn't exactly going to sit too well with Link; the other boy needed some kind of reassurance most likely and that was something well outside of his expertise. There seemed to be some kind of loss of translation between Link and Demoko as well, causing the former even more grief than he already had. Caelan wasn't too sure what he was on about either, but at least he recognized there was more to it than simply being tired, you only had to listen to the kid to figure that much out. With their numbers seriously reduced and both him and Link exhausted, Caelan couldn't see any recourse other than taking a break. Trying to travel now was going to be hell, and they weren't even sure where it was they were heading yet. The banks of a river ought to be as good a place to rest as any too, as they'd have water and perhaps a place to catch fish, if they were lucky. Getting food here wasn't their only cause for concern however, as they also had nothing on them for the road; if anyone had supplies then they were exhausted or gone in the currents, and as things stood there was nothing. They could get water from his waterskin to be fair, but that didn't help their case unless fish came in it too. Maybe then heading to the nearest town was their best course of action, just to get some supplies and get some bearings on where they were heading. Like seemingly everything today however it had triggered an uneasy response in Link. "It's not the first time I'll have sneaked into a town, and it won't be the last," Caelan remarked confidently, smirking as he removed his shirt and squeezed a little excess water out before slipping it back on. "If you're worried about me going alone then come with me. Depending on where we are I might know someone who can help, and even if not I'll find a way to get us in unseen. Also I don't know what you mean by nobody, you're here aren't you?" Man, this kid had zero confidence didn't he? Rubbing at his head he looked over to Demoko, hoping the old man might be able to give them a hand here. "You know we need supplies too, don't you? If you can just tell us which direction the nearest town is then Link and I can head there tomorrow. We won't last very long if we don't have any food for the trip." Being captured and killed was a possibility, sure, especially after defeating Onyx and a few dozen soldiers; if they didn't do anything though then starvation was a possibility too, unless they were lucky and found food every time they needed it. Meals out in the wild were unpredictable, he'd rather have something in tow just in case they struck out.