[center][img]http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/normal/whispers.png[/img][/center] [center] [B]Name:[/B] Drew Greystone [b]Nickname:[/b] None (yet?) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Past:[/b] She was born into a normal family, Or so she thought. She has one older brother named Xander and her parents Lilly and Jeremy. What she did know was her parents were away and never told her anything. She just thought they were busy with work. What she didn’t know they were delving into business they weren’t supposed to. Her father was a “Police Man” and her mother worked in a “Law Firm”. Thats what they told her at least. One day her parents came home very anxious talking in hushed voices all night, Not really what you expect from parents when they don’t get much time with you. Later that night in the middle of the night there house was set on fire. Her brother and her got out of the house but realised their parents were still in the house. Both fearing for their parent lives, they ran in to get them and in the process of trying to get them out their roof collapsed over a section of the house and her brother and her were forced to leave the house without her parents. Their parent's did not survive, and soon after Xander had to leave for college. Thus leaving Drew all on her own. In hopes of preventing any future events of not being able to save anybody she applied for this lab in hopes of obtaining intangibility. [b]Personality:[/b] She is very nice and kind but rather outgoing and not afraid to speak her mind. She’s never been a girly girl and is normally one of the guys. She hates seeing someone get hurt so if she sees someone getting hurt she will not hesitate to go help. She is normally optimistic and helpful. She finds it hard to say no to people. She likes hanging out with people but she likes being on her own sometimes and just read or write. [b]Fears:[/b] ~ Losing anyone else close to her ~ Thunder & Lightning ~ Not seeing her surroundings [b]Power they applied for:[/b] Intangibility [b]Other:[/b] She always wears a locket that was her mothers. [/center]