[h1][color=violet]Varshe[/color][/h1] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m644l2mOQI1robs44o1_500.jpg[/img] Varshe is a cold, collected sadistic painter whose dreams have long faded away. He sees no point in life, friendships, challenges. There's barely anything Varshe is really interested in. He's afraid of having contact with anyone, and if he does, he absolutely refuses to become close to anyone. He dislikes girls, casts away anyone and uses people to his own advantage if needed. Currently, Varshe is 17 years of age and his knowledge and way of thinking for his age is outstanding. The young man prefers not to meddle in any useless, irrelevant affairs and love is out of the question. Haunted by his past, he often has nightmares. Varshe is 5'9" (175 cms). He has a cold, piercing glare which scares most of the people off. His favorite food is yakisoba (Japanese dish of fried noodles/buckwheat) and he has a habit of drinking tea in the afternoon, or while working on a piece of art. Reading is his only other interest besides drawing. [h2]Varshe's past[/h2] [hr] Varshe grew up like any other child, with some keen, outstanding interests; separating him from his average age group. Varshe used to be a rather innocent looking child who loved to draw with purple acrylic pencils. He looked at life at a very interesting perspective, and wanted to get the most out of his youth. Varshe did not just draw any drawings; but drawings of things that seemed to pop up in his mind at random.. of demonic, vulgar and goreish things. The boy's parents were strict believers, causing Varshe to hide his gloomy works. At the age of 14, his mother, Erruva, discovered the drawings while cleaning which were supposed to be hidden in Varshe closet. He was cursed at, yelled at. Erruva told her husband, Mahenheiss, about the wrongdoings, who became furious. Mahenheiss gave the boy a beating, and locked him up inside in his room, confiscating every single thing he had which could ever give Varshe happiness. Varshe stopped smiling. His once, pure and lovely warm heart grew cold, uncaring, unloving. Then one day, at the age of 16, he took the chance, and ran for it. His parents, in grief, both suicide. He tried to live on his own until the age of 17, developing a disgusting feeling for women, since he had numerous of unbelievably non-satisfying encounters. He taught himself how to fight, so self-defense is not a problem. [hr] [h2]Varshe's Powers[/h2] [hr] [b][color=violet]Keen Eye:[/color][/b] For seeing things in society the way they are, Varshe is always quick to have an opinion about things and he can easily find out whether a person is lying or not. His observant and cool/collected personality allows him to fully control this ability. Though having developed a skill like this, if he uses it more than five times on a day, his eyes might strain. [b][color=violet]Poison Kiss:[/color][/b] Varshe, in the past year he has tried to live on his own, he usually got hit on by random women because of his handsome appearance. Varshe simply has to get close to someone, draw them in, and kiss them. His hatred and anger for people turns his saliva into poison, which his body has naturally developed antibodies for. The poison cannot be cured, unless he kisses the person again. While infected, the person dies within 48 hours. [b][color=violet]Intoxicate:[/color][/b] Varshe, with his piercing gaze, is able to make people see their own worst fears. It's an effect that lasts for a simple 5 minutes, though it feels like a bad acid trip, leaving his victims utterly cowered in fear and anxiety. [hr] [h3][color=violet]Other:[/color][/h3] [hr] Varshe has a small tattoo on his back, near his neck of an extinction symbol. [hider=Click Me!][img]http://www.extinctionsymbol.info/Extinction%20symbol.jpg[/img][/hider]