Hello beautiful people of this wonderful site! My name is Apothecary (sounds really stupid when you say it aloud) and this is my brand new and not shamelessly recycled Interest Check. With taste grows the hunger, and I have found myself in need of more role-playing partners, who would be willing to build something wonderful with me. [hider=So, who am I...] You can call me Apo (or Marty if you aren't into silly nicknames). I am university student from glorious Czech Republic, trying to get my degree from international relationships so I could spend rest of my life under some decent bridge (hail the unemployment!). I would call myself a paragon of virtue pretty light-hearted person with a little bit strange sense of humor, who enjoys OOC chat, midnight walks, dogs and weird combination of alcohol and vegetable. In terms of roleplaying abilities, I am capable of writing two to four decent paragraphs on daily basis, but I have no problem with doing more if the plot is good and partner active. My only real issue (does that sounds narcissistic?) is the grammar, because English isn't my first language. Still, I always proofread my posts and typos are rare sight with me. [/hider] [hider=...and what do I really want?] I like fantasy RPs with a plot, an actual story that would begin, then took our characters for a bumpy ride and ended in some epic finale. It could be just a simple adventure, so cliché it hurts, with a story about the fight between good and evil. Our characters could be typical simpletons from backwater village, that gets raided by the orcs, or one of us could be an orphan, who realizes that main villain is actually his father. Like I said, it's really cliché, but I grew up on these tropes and they are still very close to my heart. Or we could do something darker! Our characters wouldn't have to be all goody, they could be simple humans walking on the morally grey line between the good and evil. They could be greedy mercenaries, with their own set of morals, nobles who are not afraid of any sacrifice, if it means they achieve their goals or witch-hunters using any means necessary hunt down their nemesis. What about exiled noble who would do anything to get his wealth back. The plot could be more simple, maybe something about revenge, or a grand story with a lot of intrigues and conspiracies. Oh the possibilities! And if it isn´t dark enough, what about playing the bad guys? Dark knights and demons, witches and warlocks. People who sacrificed their soul to gain powers beyond any humans. Playing creatures ostracized by the society, who wants to be on the top of the ladder for once. Or nobles, who toy with their subjects and fighting against each other. Again, possibilities are endless. [/hider] [hider=Some pairings that could be interesting to do:] Assassin/Agent Bounty hunter/Outlaw Demon/Cultist Demon/Servant Inquisitor/Cultist Mentor/Apprentice Priest/Demon Priest/Mercenary Sith/Jedi Smuggler/Jedi Vampire/Warlock Warrior/Bard Witch/Witch hunter [/hider]