[color=f63817]"Wim Ceiba. And that's Wim with a [i]W[/i]. And before you say anything, [i]dweeb[/i] doesn't even starts with a [i]W[/i], it starts with a [b]D[/b]."[/color] Within a couple of seconds, open came the doors and in between them stood Proffesor Maple. [color=f63817]"[i]That's a total babe if I've ever seen one...[/i]"[/color], Wim whispered to himself, trying his best to keep his cool guy posture. Wim skipped several steps and heartbeats as he walked into the office. He stood quiet next to Percy and Viola for a couple of seconds before making sure he was standing slightly closer to the Proffesor than the other two. He grinned and waved, letting out a [color=f63817]"[u]Hiya![/u]"[/color] before substituting his grin with a full-on-smile.