[Center][h2]Noboru Yamamoto-Morning, Yamamoto Household[/h2][/center] Noboru woke up and stretched, his yawn long and deep. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, turning off his alarm and he started getting ready for school. Once all his morning procedures were done, he reached for his door. Near the door, on his dresser, was a small folded piece of paper he hadn't noticed before. He was intrigued, and unfolded the paper. A small silver necklace fell down. Noboru let out a small gasp. It was his favorite necklace. The one he had gotten years ago, but he had figured he'd lost it. He palmed it, his finger tracing the small silver outline of a deer. Snapping the necklace into place around his neck, he read the hastily scrawled note. [I]Listen Noboru. I found this necklace while rummaging around in Akari's room for a shirt of mine. Also, I know you've been rather wary of how i've been acting recently, with the sudden change of attitude I have. I want you to know, i'm not trying to set you up for something. When you were kidnapped, it made me realize. No matter how much I could've hated you, that doesn't change what happened way back when. It won't ever changed what happened, even if I wanted it to. And I wouldn't be forgived if I was seen doing that kind of thing to you. Slowly torturing you and putting you on edge. I guess all this meaningless rambling is leading me to say one thing. I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I don't ever plan on acting like that again. The kidnapping made me realize that you are a living sentiment. Please forgive me. -Aiko[/i] Noboru clutched the note, folding it and keeping it in his pocket for safekeeping. [Center][h2]Noboru Yamamoto-After School-6/5/2015[/h2][/center] Noboru stood outside at the front of the school. In his hand, the deer necklace. He palmed it over and over, feeling the smooth ridges of it and the cool silver. He thought back to when he first received it, as a gift. ---- [I]"Noboooooooooru, who is itttttt?" [Color=navy]"Cmooooooon I know it's you. I'm old enough I don't wanna play these games."[/color] "Oh cmon Noboru you just turned eight, stop acting so mature. You're a little boy. Anyway guesssss what I gotttt?~" The hand brandished a silver necklace, in the outline of a deer. It wasn't that big, but it was beautiful. Noboru gasped. It was so nice looking. He grabbed it quickly and put it on. [Color=navy]"It's so pretty! But why did you buy it for me? You're the one who loves deers."[/color] "Because it reminds me of you. Brave, strong, and proud. You never let anything get you down for long. You always come back stronger. That's how my little man should act. Like a majestic deer."[/i] ---- As Noboru thought about that, his clutch grew tighter on the necklace. He stopped gripping it, afraid that he would shatter it into pieces. He shook the thought out of his head. He looked around. He was almost ready to head home. He didn't feel like doing much today.