Username: Nate Name: Takasu (Taka or Takun with really close friends) Tosen Age: 33 Gender: Male Class: Lord Rank: Lord House: Tosen Weapons: He uses a Katana with a dragon etched Saya (scabbard) and Tsuba (handguard) and the Sageo and Ito (Cord and Braid respectively) are in the color of his house. He has a matching wakazashi and tanto. Appearance: [img]*CFDWYZe3FfaGN0U6ZVrP9ZxAqLk8Q8YME0bpbcohXE69UR6z/UFu3.jpg[/img] minus the weird rocky stuff. His hair has been white since birth, a blessing of the gods according to his parents, however he has never seen it as such. He does not look as old as in the picture however the years of stress of lording for House Tosen has caused his face to appear a little older with wrinkles around the eyes and forehead however he still looks like a strong and able lord. Personality: Takasu is a very stoic man, years of protecting and lording over his house have left him rather introverted. He is generally a quiet and calculating person and very stern. His punishments are strict but fair. He sticks to his honor and the honor of his house ensuring that in all of his actions he is never a disgrace to his name or house. Short Biography: Takasu was born to the late lord of House Tosen as the second son of the prestigious family. His father died when Takasu was 13, his older brother was 20 and take the title of Lord. Takasu began to serve under his brother as the Lord's hand when he came of age. He served faithfully for two years before a skirmish in one of their boarder cities killed his brother. Now being the oldest heir of the house Taksu became the new Lord at the same age his brother did, 20. As a boy Takasu learned the arduous and tedious skills of politics, deplomacy and economics. Alongside his brother he also learned to use a sword and ride horses. Through his many years of practice and training he learned respect and honor. When he became Lord he pushed for tighter stricter laws to deter crime and keep his people united. He increased taxes slightly to raise funds to strengthen defense along the boarders and he ruled on the principle of honor and loyalty. But despite his strict rulings and discipline he was fair above all else, he treated his people kindly knowing that without them he would not be a lord. Other: “By the honor of my house and my father who gave it to me I mustn't fail.”