Grandparents are coming later than I realized so I managed to finish her though I really do have to go after this. Hope's she good and I'll make any changes when I get back. [center][h2][color=cyan]Azura[/color][/h2] [img][/img] [color=cyan][i]”No one knows what it's like to wear a mask that you are trapped inside.”[/i][/color] [h3]☯ [color=lime]Appearance[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]Standing at 4’7, Azura is a very petite and slender girl. She weighs around 95lbs and isn’t very strong. Her eyes are not like other peoples, hers tend to change color depending on what emotion she is feeling at the time, like a mood ring. Her hair, the locks tumbling well past her waist in curls, never stays one color either; one day it could be black and the next day it could be pink with white stripes. She never knows what color it will be next but she tends to dress according to what color it is that day. Her clothes themselves mostly consist of sweaters that are a size too big and a mixture of pants, leggings, and skirts. She has a few tank tops and shirts with colorful designs and she tends to mix-and-match her outfits even if the colors clash. She has a few shoes though her favorite are a pair of paint-splattered converse that she tends to wear even if it doesn’t go with her chosen outfit.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=gold]Species[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]She doesn’t know though she realizes she is different.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=gray]Age[/color] ☯ [/h3] [color=violet]Looks 16 but she doesn’t know her exact age.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=coral]Gender[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]She’s fairly sure she is female.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=#A23BEC]Faction[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]Factionless[/color] [h3]☯ [color=red]Personality[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]Like the colors she loves so much, Azura’s personality tends to change at the snap of a finger. She could be happy one minute then hears one little mean comment and at the flip of a switch she’s angry. She doesn’t really stay angry for very long before she’s back to being happy and acting like nothing happened. She also tends to wander in her head most of the time when she isn’t paying attention in class and if people try to talk to her when she’s off in a daydream it takes a few tries to snap her out of it. Azura is a night owl and isn’t really a happy morning person until she’s had her morning cup of tea. Try to interact with her beforehand and you might lose hearing in one of your ears. Generally though Azura is a very bright and happy girl. She enjoys helping people and will come to someone’s defense at a moment’s notice if she thinks they are in danger. She tends to blurt out anything that comes to mind and won’t hold back from telling you what her opinion is of you even if it hurts your feelings. She hasn’t really grasped the fact yet that her words have the ability to hurt people and is genuinely confused when people scold her for the things she says.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=lightblue]Biography[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]She doesn’t remember. Truly, she woke up in the middle of a forest, covered in scratches and dirt with no recollection of who she is. She was dressed in a filthy white shirt and pants with a single band around her slender wrist with a single word written on it. [i]Azura[/i]. She assumed it was her name. After wandering randomly through the forest she happened upon a small town. The residents were startled to see a girl come out of the forest of no return. For years anyone that ventured inside never returned and so the folk didn’t know what to make of a girl with no memory stumbling out. However they were gentle people at heart and took Azura in with no question, even if her eyes and hair changed color. The Inn keeper took her in and Azura stayed there for a few weeks. The town’s people had hoped she would remember something other than her name but Azura’s memory remained blank. After a month had passed and Azura still remained in the dark about her past, she bid the town folk farewell and set out on her own path. She wandered for a bit, never staying in one place for very long until finally she happened across the school and upon realizing that here was a place for different people like her she decided to stay.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=Orange]Powers[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]She has the power to bring anything she draws to life as well as manipulate anything drawn even if it was not done by her. Her creations follow her command and her command only. She can also manipulate photographs as well though she is only able to reach [i]through[/i] the picture and bring out anything in the photo though it only works on inanimate objects, never people.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=green]Abilities [/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]It didn’t take long for Azura to realize that though she cannot remember her past, she has a photographic memory and just needs to see, read, or hear anything once for her to remember it. It helps a lot in school where she is at a disadvantage for not really having prior schooling before she arrived.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=pink]Weapons[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]None though she could draw some if she feels like it.[/color] [h3]☯ [color=#FF00FF]Other[/color] ☯[/h3] [color=violet]Though she doesn’t remember her past in her conscious state, she suffers from nightmares about it however when she wakes up she remember very little of the dreams. At times she has brief and disorienting flashbacks when awake though they leave her with a large headache and she can never make heads or tails of what she had seen. If the flashback is intense enough it sometimes leaves with a nosebleed to go along with the headache.[/color][/center]