[quote=@WilsonTurner] Aye, indeed. I'd also suggest adding something in to change it up a bit. I mean, just a plain ol' reboot with a little change is fine and all, but let's add something new into the mix, so it's more interesting? Perhaps a special unobtainium resource that has an energy per unit that's relative to uranium, as uranium is to coal, or perhaps some ancient Forerunner-like race that left all kinds of interesting stuff around. Something to fight over, to want, to collect and to conflict with other people about. Not just to usual, you know? [/quote] I agree with this as well. What does everyone think about letting the GM and Co-GM(s) throw in random encounters and anomalies? We'd have to decide whether permission has to exist or if the GM can just go "LOL HAVE FUN WITH THE GENERATION SHIP", but I think it'd help prevent the usual "Cycle of a freeform NRP" (Beginning, expansion, people start dropping out, someone says the word "dead", everyone left leaves).