Satus didn’t allow the comment from his roommate to stop his search, although he was right; there wasn’t much difference in any of the dorms, aside from slight changes in furniture placement, the rooms were essentially the same, but Satus revelled in looking at them anyway. His room in Mistvell was minimalistic and practical, so his threshold for what could pass as “suitable” was somewhat low. Whether the simplicity of his original living space stemmed from age-old traditions or to make Satus focus his attention on learning wasn’t really touched upon while he was there, nor would he try considering it now. The lunch announcement served to interrupt his train of thought anyway, in addition to his room-shifting. [color=9e0b0f][center][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be an early lunch today. Lunch begins promptly in thirty minutes, regardless of what you are doing. That is all.”[/b][/center][/color] In spite of all of the searching he had been doing, he had failed to pick a room yet, while his supposed roommate had – and locked it, for that matter. Satus considered choosing a different room in response, but dismissed the idea rather quickly. It’d just cause problems later on for the school administration or something along those lines. He’d touch on the subject when he returned from lunch, hopefully there were more keys in that dorm – for both him and the third roommate. With little else to do beyond that, Satus began to make his way to the lunch hall.