Hunter laughed at the thought of operating a combat Mech. "Na man, all we had on Admiration were a few Mining mechs. Those things could take a hit, In fact..." He trailed off for a moment. "I think it's the only reason we ever stood a chance against the U.P.D.C. and their Mechs." Then he laughed again. "That and the surface of the planet reaches above 3000 Degrees Celsius during the day. Those war Mechs can't stand the heat long enough to stay unless they got a foot hold inside the caves. Which was also a pain" Hunter went over to his bag. "Kinda felt bad for them the first few weeks. Took them a while to realize how... deadly the surface was. Then they breached the caves. Now I can't wait to make them feel the same way again." Hunter grabbed a satchel and put a few small items inside it. "So you heading down to dinner?"