Wim waited patiently for the Proffessor to come back down the stairs, and while she came back with the Pokedexes, he walked directly towards the box with the Pokéballs. Growing up on Vermillion City, Lt. Surge had always been a sort-of role model, at least in a [color=f63817]"[i]I want to be as cool and respected as him when I grow up![/i]"[/color] kind of way. And part of being as cool and respected as Lt. Surge would be by following his footsteps and having an Electric-type Pokémon, at least as a starter. Wim started looking through the boxes, "thoroughly" considering his options. [color=f63817]"[i]Pichu? [u][b]Too fragile[/b][/u]. Mareep? [u][b]Too cutesy[/b][/u]. Shinx? [u][b]Not very intimidating[/b][/u].[/i]"[/color] Suddenly, his eyes started glowing. He knew he had found his perfect match. He knew he had found the coolest, raddest, most lovable Pokémon in the bunch. [color=f63817]"[b]ELEKID![/b]"[/color] After raising the Pokéball into the air and posing triumphally for several seconds, Wim left his new partner-in-crime out of his Pokéball. [color=yellow]"Kid-kid, Ehh-lekid!"[/color] [color=f63817]"Look at those forearms..."[/color] As Elekid crossed his arms smugly, Wim had an idea, [color=f63817]"You need a nickname!"[/color] [color=yellow]"Kid!"[/color] [color=f63817]"How 'bout... Static? No. Shocker? Don't think so... [i][b]BUZZER[/b][/i][i][b]![/b][/i] [b]YOU'LL BE BUZZER![/b]"[/color] And so the Elekid, newly baptized Buzzer, started hopping cheerfully and chirping with joy.