[h2]Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this brave new world![/h2] [IMG]http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp25/willyvereb/Ardessen.jpg[/IMG] You play as a certain faction which either intentionally or by accident were taken to the world of Ardessen, a planet from another dimension! It does not take long to realize you are not alone, Ardessen is an amazing mess populated by people from many different worlds. Marines shooting at fire-breathing demons, jet fighters chasing dragons, Jedi facing off against the Dark Lord. Ardessen is the kind of world where any of these could happen. You have to be ready for anything! Are you prepared to explore the world of Ardessen? Do you have what it takes to bring order into this chaotic world? Let's find out! [hider=Faction Submission Guide] [b]Faction Name:[/b] (What's your faction called?) [b]Origin:[/b] (which media/fiction it originates from?) [b]Faction Type:[/b] (Are you a country, a secret organization? What kind of faction are you?) [b]Faction Rank:[/b] (work in progress, the GM will give you this) [b]Color:[/b] (Pick a color which will be your mark on the map) [b]Assigned GM:[/b] (Which GM is governing you and controlling the surrounding NPCs?) [b]Starting Area:[/b] (Where do you start? If you aren't good with photo-editing I can help) [b]Faction Introduction:[/b] (What are you and how did you end up in the world of Ardessen?) [b]Faction Strengths:[/b] (Do you have something which makes you stand out from the norm? Preferably something which matters on strategic scale.) [b]Faction Weaknesses:[/b] (Your strengths need to be balanced with some flaws, too) [/hider] You choose a faction (preferably an existing one from media, say elves from the Lord of the Rings), fill out a few details and then pick a starting place on the map. Depending on how powerful your faction is your starting conditions can change for the sake of balance. The game's topic is fantasy but you aren't limited to only settings with bows and plate armors. You can choose a modern or even futuristic faction so long they are a bit fantastical (Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000 definitely qualifies). You can also invent a faction on your own but this only complicates things to you because you need much more details. I also ask you for info if I am not familiar with a faction (or I need to clarify something in general). After you made the submission and either I or any of the co-GMs accepted it then you can make your introduction in the IC. Your assigned GM will then control the NPC factions surrounding you and usually can expect a short battle as a "warm up". To avoid players getting ahead of others I'll be using turns. You can interact with nearby factions or fight wars in however many posts it takes but strategic events happen globally. A turn is usually equals 1 month of time but we can discuss a different timeframe if you want. With the "strategic turn" your population can grow, your army can travel considerable distances, your faction develop new technologies or you can produce new weapons and other goods. That's about it for now. Many elements are still work in progress and may be subject to change. I am listening to any good suggestions. Anyways, first I'm checking how many players are up for this kind of game. Of course I am also looking for potential co-GMs. I can handle about 3 players so for any more I need assistance.